
Showing posts from March, 2008

The Mothers of Memory (The 3rd Version)

for Kai “We need to dig and jump into the land we come from; one woman after another, one dream upon the other, calling up who we are.” —Ntozake Shange “As a woman I want no country. As a woman my country is the whole world.” —Mary Daly, Pure Lust For a girl to be born in the shadow of her foremothers is no small thing for their lives are stories that together form a river and she is this continuation of their story, an undamming of their lives, to ensure that they never die, to show that the river continues to flow. And this is what Trinity reckons with now as she stands ankle deep in the crashing Caribbean ocean under the scorching sun. She beckons her great-grandmother Frances from out of the past, from out of the sea and hopefully into her soul to dwell so that she can scratch away at the myths and set her women free. First Movement Mummy! Mummy! I scream and struggle against the thin yet stong arms which seem like the roots of a tree wound about me. I don’t want to go but yet, as...

The Clangers

I Do It For Brooklyn...

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) If things go well, please don't expect them to go worse. The only thing that could possibly stop you now is your own tendency toward negative expectations -- which, thankfully, you've been doing quite well at toning down in recent years. You've learned something about trusting the unknown and the improbable. True, you meet the occasional asshole, but notice how rarely that actually happens. Don't decide for people who they are in advance. Keep your focus and feel the strength of optimism. As the next few weeks unfold, give yourself room to make a series of radical decisions that feed your heart, your soul and your hunger for deep contact. My girl K always sends me my horoscope at moments when I need it most. This time it was around my recent 36th birthday. I never thought I would make it this far. Not because I was so stuck on this romantic notion of dying young, but because of the vast amounts of energy I have exerted in surviving up to this p...

Feel Good

If you're feeling down, read Stuff White People Like This site is brilliant. Have a GREAT DAY! --Blackgirl on Mars!