We Eh Come Fuh Dat
Big Up to Guanaguanare for turning me on to this! There's been a lot going through my mind lately. So much I want to say that I get overwhelmed into silence. But that's what I have to be weary of. The silence. Be careful now, delve in at your own risk: Some connections you must make yourself. On my way to work last week, I read this sweet editorial by a Danish woman who claimed that the world should be allowed to vote for the U.S. President, not Americans. I wanted to slap her. But as a pacifist, I suppose it wouldn't do. The article annoyed me on several levels. First, the general idea that Americans are stupid. Well, if we are so stupid, where do you get the idea that we are so stupid? Yeah, chew on that one for a moment. The other one is this--WE DID NOT VOTE FOR BUSH (Definitely not the first time and if it was pulled off the first time, well ...) The other point is this: Look at YOUR own government and the decisions YOUR fellow citizens have been making the last few y...