
Showing posts from July, 2009

Reggie Watts, Soho Theatre, London...

Reggie Watts is dope and if you are in London, Blackgirl on Mars highly recommends checking his show out... reggie watts 27 July - 8 August 2009 9.45pm doors (show starts 10pm) Reggie Watts plays thelondonlaugh gig in partnership with thelondonpaper on 29 July. Click here for more info. 'A vocal maestro.' ***** Time Out Sydney One man. One loop machine. A superhuman vocal range and the ability to channel a wide range of vocal characters. There's no one out there like Reggie Watts. Exploiting a jaw-dropping vocal range, Reggie covers everything from ancient history and racism to pop-culture, in a heady mix of improvised music, comedy and social insight. Traversing hip-hop, trip-hop, alternative, nu-metal and classical opera... No two songs are ever the same. 'The black Bill Bailey, Watts is deeply odd, very talented and extremely funny.' GQ 'Seeing Reggie Watts is a bit like sexual or chemical experimentation - you're not entirely sure what just happened, bu...

For Caribbean Girls Who Lost Their Accents: Poem #3

She is gone now. The sight of flour on skin, age spots form an archipelago across her arms. a clutter of dusty pictures and rosaries under her bed. Life, you’d sometimes think, hadn’t been that good to you. Girdles that squeezed your fibroid infested womb— An old hallowed out home to five Barricaded Against Life… You comb your unruly hair back And look uncomfortable. The look is not you. I love it when you just Let it be— rather than tame it And look like a scared Old lady Instead of the courageous Heroine that you are. You still store things Away In overflowing drawers And cupboards Afraid that one day You will need Something & it will not be there: What trauma Gave birth to that? You say, I feel your mother Is doing something To me— Like I can’t put my Fingers on it – Your hands, exasperated go up in the air Only to slowly come down And rest, at your side Powerless. We loved each other once. The nights I fell asleep under the symphony of your snores: Uncountable. Sleepin...

Hamid: A Poem on Exile for Iran

How much is the Soul of A Broken Man Worth? How heavy his misfortune OR is misfortune destiny? Siblings scattered like dandelion seeds blown by the blast of "revolution" Let me explain: We meet for coffee you disheveled can not sleep following the news as if one day it will be declared: You can go home Hamid. You wait for the impossible under a lavender-colored sky you wait for man to come to his Senses... as I sit my coffee turns cold and all I can do is listen at the stories of funerals unattended bureaucratic blunders and a marriage that buckles under the strain. Your hairline is receding, your eyes are red, You are heartbroken Hamid and I want to take your hand and say, and pray, that Hamid I am sorry for Turkey, I am sorry for the Ayatollah I am sorry for it all but today, today, I am happy, that we sit here, together, NOW and drink cold coffee as I listen to you laugh at the fate of your life and you come alive again, if just for one moment because in that moment, you a...

Missed this One, but heard it was Better than the First...

CNN: Black In America 2: John Legend Exclusive Uploaded by thatsfunny . - News videos hot off the press.

Blackgirl on Mars is on Vacation!

Dear Readers, BGOM is now officially on vacation until August 14th! Happy Summer, the lab

Black Women in Denmark Picnic '09: Thanks for the Sisterhood!

Thanks to all the sisters who made the Black Women in Denmark Picnic '09 a success! Although the forecast was rain, there was only Sunshine, warmth and smiles. I'm already looking forward to next years! farvel, the lab

We Interupt My Vacation to Present: