No Sleep Til Brooklyn...
Today is D's 40th birthday. Of all the many things I could give her: books, pens, a vegan dinner it is Brooklyn she wants. We are both daughters of Brooklyn, so I understand her. I awake 5:30 am and despite the fact that I have been in New York for a week, it is only now that I am ready to venture into Brooklyn. It would be the first time in 2 ½ years that I will be seeing the borough of my birth. When you were born, it snowed. It was March but there was so much snow. D's plan is to walk into Brooklyn. We are both staying at Marie's—our agent/mentor in a cozy uptown brownstone jammed with books and other orphaned artists. D is dealing with not only the loss of her mother, but her lover and a family that has ostracized her. In many ways one could say that I am dealing with the same thing. They have torn down the hospital in which you were born. I have never walked over the Brooklyn Bridge before. I remember once, as a child, I attended one of its birthdays. My friend's...