The Art of Moving Mountains
It's been a week now since I have returned from my trip to Amsterdam with 21 of my 7th graders. There was a moment where we didn't think the trip was going to happen: Mother Nature decided to do some talking up in Iceland, and for once, the whole world just kind of shut up and listened. Or tried to. Although many of my kids were nervous about whether the flight was cancelled or not, I took a "let's take this one step at a time" approach. Luckily, all worked out and in the end, on the evening of Friday 23rd we met at the airport and took off for Amsterdam, volcanic ash and all. I love Amsterdam and not for the stereotypical reasons. First of all, it IS a beautiful city. The architecture and structure yells innovation and is inspiring. The cosmopolitan atmosphere speaks to my soul and every time I go there (now 5 times) my heart can't help but whisper, I moved to the wrong city for to me, a city that lacks diversity is an anemic city. It also doesn't hurt t...