
Showing posts from August, 2010

Staceyann Chin in Copenhagen...

I am thrilled to report that poet/writer Staceyann Chin is currently in Copenhagen. I look forward to meeting her!

R.I.P. Abbey Lincoln...

You don't know your name but you know God's name...


It's a cool morning...a gentle drizzle falls, a car drives by, birds chatter amongst themselves. Of all the places in the Universe, I am here...& where are you? This is a recent picture of my brother and grandmother in Brooklyn, New York. I love the pill box (always close to grandmother!); the juice in the jar, the iphone and the Buddha head (I have the same one!) all close by. A great constellation of modernity, don't you think?

Cannes, France...

I miss being on the road & will do all that I can to return... This Summer, we drove from Nice, France to Bologne, Italy, through Austria and home again... I miss the Autogrill in Italy that served the best coffee. I miss sleeping in the car. I miss seeing the mountains. I miss seeing the road ahead of me, completely open to contemplation...this Bandit Quest will be continued... farvel, the lab

Gerry Hail (19.11.58-17.07.2010)

I want a garden. It is as simple as that. This urge seems to come from a very ancient place. It is one which compels me to find that perfect piece of land to work and get to know on an intimate level: find out, what birds come here? Insects? How do the plants best compliment each other? What can I grow here? What wants to grow here? I find contemplations such as these demanding attention in my mind, pushing so many other things I once deemed important, like living in a city, aside. "It's your age," Helle, a 53 year-old who recalls Gertrude Stein . "It's hormones. I've had it happen to me twice in my life, and now I have a garden." I'm sitting at Bøssehuset (The Gay House) in Christiania for Gerry Hall's farewell party. It's a sunny day, and I'm among a collection of folk present to celebrate a life of a star who has returned to the heavens. I first met Gerry about four or five years ago at a party. He was also from the U.S. and h...