
Showing posts from November, 2010

She Is Gone Now...

She is gone now. The sight of flour on skin, age spots form an archipelago across her arms. a clutter of dusty pictures and rosaries under her bed. Life, you’d sometimes think, hadn’t been that good to you . Girdles that squeezed your fibroid infested womb— An old hallowed out home to five Barricaded Against Life… You comb your unruly hair back And look uncomfortable. The look is not you. I love it when you just Let it be— Instead of taming it And looking like a scared Old lady Instead of the courageous Heroine that you are. You still store things Away In overflowing drawers And cupboards Afraid that one day You will need Something & it will not be there: You say, I feel your mother Is doing something To me — Like I can’t put my Fingers on it – Your finger pointed in the air Only to slowly come down And rest, at your side Powerless. We loved each other once. The nights I fell asleep under the symphony o...


So last night I watched Joaquin Phoenix's I'm Still Here (no comment) but seeing him made me think of his brother River. Don't get me wrong, I recognize Joaquin's brilliance, but he definitely goes places in that movie, that, as far as I'm concerned, he didn't need to go. But that's another story. Anyway, again, watching it pointed me in the direction of his late-brother (perhaps it was the last scene in J's movie?) and then I found the above which I feel compelled to share. The messages that these panelists are sharing are so on-point and relevant now, even more than ever. I take my hat off to Lisa Bonet: she's always done things her own way and that earns my respect. Interesting to note that two of the panalists, Phoenix and Julia, have both passed. The entire episode is worth your time. farvel, the lab
I need Peace...Soon.

New York, New York

It's officially over a year now since I have been home. Here are some of my favourite pics that either my girl Karen Good took on our memorable stroll through my old Brooklyn stomping grounds, or some I took myself...the lovely young lady is my grandmother!