Yesterday was my first day back after my two-week trip to Hawaii. I spent New Year's Eve in Nørrebro, and the sounds of missiles and explosions could be heard as Copenhagen unleashed its usual New Year's Eve firework madness. It sounds like what I imagine a war zone to sound like & I’ve never been too fond of that. But, sitting inside, away from the brunt of the noise (and the cold) I could actually even venture to say that it was a bit, well, cozy? Or maybe I've just been here too long? As long as I am not outside, I'm fine: Drunken people and fireworks do not mix. Hawaii was amazing. Landing on Big Island was the perfect reward for what could otherwise be called an excruciatingly long trip. We left Tuesday morning, flew to Zurich, then to British Columbia, Los Angeles and finally Big Island. Landing in Los Angeles rather late, I unfortunately didn’t get to hook up with friends there. One friend did make it out to our hotel though. I think the last time I saw Jaso...