
Showing posts from June, 2011

i wonder...

should i have ever even left new york? brooklyn? i was sitting on the bus today and this young indian guy starts chatting to me like he recognized something in me. he asked me how long have i been here and when i told him 12 years, he was like, wow! 12 years! moving to denmark is life experience. i dared to do differently cause i wanted to report on things i knew most never experienced. i hope that through this reporting, we could learn about each other, and most of all ourselves. focus on the similarities as opposed to the differences. that has been my focus all my life. to share my experiences so that in the end, we can all experience each other and have a better understanding of what this human life is all about. that is my mission. so what next? for further insight into what i'm up to please visit . peace in our soul = peace on earth. the lab