
Showing posts from July, 2011

Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer

Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer - Public Reactions from Visual Editions on Vimeo . I was recently gifted with this incredible work of art. Inspiring.

Bandit Queen, by Looptroop Rockers

(lyrics below, tweaked a bit by the discerning eye of the bandit queen!) When the police come yo she ready for whatever Never talk to the cops cus she got her mind together A down to earth mother earth living at the speed of life She don't need a ring to be my wife A truly independent woman, not a destiny's child Not depending on money or fashion to have style She got nuff style - rough style - diamond in the ruff Not a dimepiece in the back, she a diamond in the front ... seat by my side ready to ride ... Ain't nothing superficial like marriage and shit A truly holy matrimony, she my homie I forget about this evil world when she hold me... She love freedom like I do She need music like I do I need a bandit queen (a bandit queen) A real woman that can bring out the man in me I said a bandit queen (a bandit queen) Independent enough so she can handle me Ey yo a bandit queen (yes a bandit queen) She the mother of humanity I need a bandit queen (a bandit queen) She look good b...

The Legend of the Bandit Queen

The enigmatic legend of the Bandit Queen Bandit Queen is a highlander, she is 20 years old, she is 1000… She is the image of everyone and heritage for everyone. An elusive deity.Limitless lives escaping from conformitySome say that she was born in the 15th Century in a castle in Bavaria and that she was burnt at the stake, others claim that she was the daughter of an Indian Thakur and that she could have known the Enlightenment in Europe. You can find her in certain Russian books from the 30s that talk of her incomparable skill for entertaining… As a phoenix, she rises from the ashes. The tempestuous character who will challenge you Don’t suppose you will escape from her attention. She is a practical joker. Event if you do not see her, she will take care of you. From her several lives, she learned to see beyond the apparence of good or bad and to travel into all circles including with struggling people. Open to interference, and destabilizing elements, she has a lot of friends and lot ...

Bettye LaVette, Before the Money Came


Thanks for Supporting my Purpose!

That's my brother in the middle, back in the days, when he was performing on the streets with his crew. What cracks me up about him is that he can cook! He be gettin down in the kitchen, for real: and that real Caribbean stuff too, like steamed fish with the head still on! I've been making some difficult changes lately and I must say, there have been some people who have truly stepped up and reflected who I know I am. I must say that I have been blown away, very positively, in the way some of my peeps have looked me in the eye with so much love and said, "Girl, you on your way. And we GOT YOU." Anyway, I've been feeling good the past few days: I'm house sitting for a fabulous friend who definitely has that Midas touch. Her house is a reflection of her soul and the connection between style, functionality and quality definitely inspires. I am experiencing peace here and that is priceless. I have been able to spend some time with my son. I've reconnected wit...

Help! I Have No Toilet Paper!

don't stress the cashish, it's just anxiety with NO payoff in the end. You're doing the right thing, you've got to live for yourself and wring your own satisfactions out of the hand you've been dealt in life, and money's nice and eases some aspects of life, but it's ultimately distracting and ought to have the least priority, so don't let it dominate (either its presence or its lack). (wise words from writer friend Maya Alexandri ) I share this wisdom with you, my readers!

Who Am I?

i am the one who is questioning everything... I'm a stranger in a strange matter where i go. i am the one insisting on creating despite...