That's my brother in the middle, back in the days, when he was performing on the streets with his crew. What cracks me up about him is that he can cook! He be gettin down in the kitchen, for real: and that real Caribbean stuff too, like steamed fish with the head still on! I've been making some difficult changes lately and I must say, there have been some people who have truly stepped up and reflected who I know I am. I must say that I have been blown away, very positively, in the way some of my peeps have looked me in the eye with so much love and said, "Girl, you on your way. And we GOT YOU." Anyway, I've been feeling good the past few days: I'm house sitting for a fabulous friend who definitely has that Midas touch. Her house is a reflection of her soul and the connection between style, functionality and quality definitely inspires. I am experiencing peace here and that is priceless. I have been able to spend some time with my son. I've reconnected wit...