
Showing posts from December, 2011

For over 10000 years Hemp was our most useful plant...

INSPIRIT! TALKRADIO tonight@ 11PM EST: Corporal Punishment: Is an "A** Whuppin'" the only Way?

                                Call in!                    11pm EST                  (347) 989-0774                  and weigh-in on the topics!    join  Lesley-Ann Brown  Writer & founder of Bandit Queen Press ,   Pastor Arthur Barnes Tiwana Barnes Law student extraordinaire Brother Mike Harper Entrepreneur, activist Everlene Sam Harper, RN founder of the Claudine Foundation Dominique Paramore actress, ceo of VesselVibe magazine... make your talk matter!  

Window Gardens and Subversive Plots...

The Coup- Not Yet Free


Do It Yourself...

hat, scarf & wrist-warmers for a kick-a$$ colleague my first dress prototype fingerless gloves for the guitar players of the world... i'm not sure if it's in my genes, is a human disposition or a peculiar predicament of this time in my life. but  i want to make everything. and when i say everything, i mean, everything. i want to build my own house. make my own bread, grow my own wheat, grow my own vegetables, make my own clothes, knit my own sweaters, write my own stories, sing my own songs, oh, the list goes on & that's as bandit as my life gets right now. i'll be writing somewhere else on the web for now. until then, peace within and without! creativity is an unalienable right!

the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does support and declare solidarity with Occupy Pittsburgh and the Occupy Wall Street movement...

WHEREAS, the Occupy Wall Street movement is a non-violent, people powered movement for direct democracy that began in the United States on September 17, 2011 with an encampment in the financial district of New York City; and WHEREAS. the Occupy Wall Street movement and its offshoot movements around the world, including here in Pittsburgh, exemplify a new and exciting surge of popular resistance to the dominance of multi-national banks and corporations over the lives of millions of working families, WHEREAS, solidified by a march and rally on October 15, 2011, from Freedom Corner to Market Square, and continuing through the ongoing encampment at Grant Street and Sixth Avenue, Occupy Pittsburgh represents our local contribution, and has become one of the more sophisticated organizations in this worldwide movement; and WHEREAS, the Allegheny County Labor Council, AFL-CIO, and other organizations, in addition to many cities and other municipalities, have gone on record in s...

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