
Showing posts from September, 2012

On Orientalism-Edward Said (missing Said)


The Power of Storytelling


May You Be Inspired!


R.I.P. Ms. Melodie (Ramona Parker)

I spoke to my brother today and he told me that Ramona Parker had died this summer. I was really young back then, but I do remember seeing her around the block. I found this rap, featuring makes me proud of what hip hop was once about.

Audre Lorde--The Berlin Years 1984-1992

"One of the aims of poetry is to change emotion." -- Audre Lorde As I was  walking out of my school today for a little air, I saw a parent ahead of me. He was checking out his bike, as though something was wrong, and I paused a minute. Should I say hello? Or remain quiet...gifting us both with silence. I chose to say hello. And I am happy I did. "They are showing an Audre Lorde documentary tonight at Copenhagen University." He tells me. "Really?" I ask, not believing my luck, "I'll be there." So at around 4:30 I bike, literally, around the corner to the Copenhagen University. I find the auditorium and take a good seat. I get my yarn out and start knitting. Just as I recognize this parent entering, I see Dubie. I used to hang out with Dubie's ex-partner back in the day. Sara is a half-Persian, half Canadian woman who I met back in 2000 (?) when we were both being "activated", that is, going to Danish Language school. ...

Gina Thorstensen...

I worked with the artist to this video on Bureau 39. I love her work. And the song is pretty lovely too... adios, the lab

Knock, knock...


the New Nordic Cuisine cookbook

here she is...the publication of my latest translation!  Yesterday I went to the post office because I had to pick up a package. What could it be? I wondered...I wasn't expecting anything. Or so I thought. Well, here she latest translation job...the New Nordic Cuisine cookbook. I'm pretty happy to have been a part of this process. It's a beautiful cookbook, with both Danish and English text. Published by Politikens forlag. If you are into cooking, and like the New Nordic cuisine movement...well...this book is a must-have! farvel, the lab

Life on Speed

Bornholm, June 2012 I don't understand how it all goes so fast,  yet I experience it as going so slow. One of the reasons I don't get into the details of my life, is because there is simply so much to get into.  Take yesterday for example. Yesterday I had four classes. two periods with grade 7, and two with grade 6. Grade 7 is an amazing class (they all are, actually). The dynamic that each of these kids contribute to is inspiring and they shine. I could genuinely say I'm equally fascinated with each of them. This is the class that put on the production of The Seed last year. This was a class that co-wrote the play with me, and really gave an amazing performance. They loved the experience and want to continue doing theatre. We were talking about going to Amsterdam for a minute, and played with the idea of making the production available to the public to raise money for the trip. One of my students asked, "Do you really think people would want to see us perform...

I Love Bikes

Fucking Swag Bike -- Østerbro, 2012 One of the things that living in Copenhagen has gifted me with, is the time to develop a relationship not only to my bike, but to biking, as well. Before moving to Copenhagen, I could count the number of times I had ridden a bike in my life. The first time I rode a bike, it was because my big brother Gerry took the time and to teach me. He's not the most patient of teachers, but his love always managed to soften the sting of the scowl that he insisted to wear, rather than appear weak and soft with love, in front of his friends. I managed to borrow a bike here and there, and biked from one corner of my block to the next. In those days, we all hung out in front of our buildings on Ocean Avenue, and most of my world consisted of Ocean Avenue between Glenwood and Faraget.  There I would bike from one corner to the next, making my way from 1199 where I lived, past the pair of houses that were located between the tall buildings, past the white ...

