Bandit Garden Strikes Again!
bandit garden! So the lockout is over! That means that today, for the first time in 4 weeks, Danish teachers who belonged to a union were legally allowed to go to work! Personally, as someone who has worked in the education sector for the past 10 years, I do have a lot of thoughts not only about the lockout, but on teaching and the state of education, in general. I had to run an errand today, and the clerk looked awfully familiar to me. I asked, do I know you? "You used to work at XX, " she recognized me. It turns out she used to attend one of the schools I used to work at. She's Danish, although of Pakistani roots. We got into a lively discussion about her education experience and what life has been like for her since graduating from this very expensive institution. I asked her, "Did you feel that you were prepared for what was next?" She told me that when she graduated, she was the only student who had been at that school for 10 years straigh...