Blackgirls on Istedgade...
I'm reposting this article I wrote for an anthology back in 2004 because: a) my friend who I write about in the essay is actually moving from Copenhagen today :-( -- but good for her! And b) when I saw an Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie interview and she mentioned that she was stopped at Copenhagen International Airport and questioned at length. Confused, she asked her Danish host about it. The host explained that given her Nigerian passport, they probably thought she was a prostitute. this summer i will be releasing all my essays about identity, womanhood, class & my experiences as a woman of color growing up in this very 'globalised' world. Black Girls on Istegade By Lesley-Ann Brown “It’s funny what people assume about you here in Denmark”, my friend Tracy confides as she takes the candy colored curlers out of her hair. It’s 10 at night, and I had just finished my shift at the restaurant. I was exhausted, but I needed a taste o...