
Showing posts from February, 2015

Kia Dyson- Her Ways of Seeing

photo courtesy of Kia Dyson When it comes to film, photography and lighting - there are too many out there who can not master the deepest subtleties involved when it comes to capturing the many tones that is us. photo courtesy of Kia Dyson So I'm always excited to come across a photographer whose work not only demonstrates an appreciation of how lighting can be embraced, but also utilizes it to capture the uniqueness that is us. photo courtesy of Kia Dyson Kia Dyson does this. Her work elevates the nuances of Diaspora - allowing colors to work with each other and burst out to the onlooker. I caught up with Kia Dyson the last time I was in New York and have continued to follow her work since. Here is an interview with this bright new, young talent. photo courtesy of Kia Dyson 1. What made you interested in photography? Describe that moment when you "fell in love" with this discipline. I actually got into photography randomly. My career s...

Bandit Queen Press-Press Release

It's cold outside and I'm sitting in this fabulous house in a suburb of Copenhagen. It's quite early - I tend to wake up early - and I have just completed reading a 26 page manuscript of fantastic poetry. Bandit Queen Press is proud to announce that a new volume of poetry is in the making - stay tuned for details. I am excited by this creator's work - her voice speaks to me in a way that I have been searching for. As with all things in the universe, spiritual timing is of utmost importance - and the timing of this is all so fortuitous. This writer (whose name I shall not reveal until later) has a solid body of work. The range of her experiences and insight are exactly what we can use in this world right now- assisting us in the never-ending process of expanding our perspectives/consciousness. She represents everything that Bandit Queen Press stands for and that is empowered women heal the world. 

When Terrorism has a White Face

“There is a reason why the Norwegian police have not been overly concerned with rightwing extremism in recent years. It is plainly not very visible. An estimated 40 Norwegians currently belong to self-proclaimed extreme rightwing groups. However, anyone familiar with the darker waters of the blogosphere would for years have been aware of the existence of a vibrant cyber scene characterized by unmitigated hatred of the new Europe, aggressive denunciations of the "corrupted, multiculturalist power elites" and pejorative generalizations about immigrants, targeting Muslims in particular … The fact that Breivik was Made in Norway, a homegrown terrorist with a hairdo and an appearance suggesting the west end of Oslo, and not a bearded foreign import, should lead not only to a closer examination of these networks, but also to a calm, but critical reflection over the Norwegian self-identity itself.”-- Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Comment is Free. On the same day Am...

Egypt Rising

barcelona 2013 (photo idalistic) (for Motrack) I see Egypt In your Eyes All the way From Europe. The ancients Rise up. I see Egypt Resurrected In your walk, Respected Not neglected- How you talk Pyramids Re-constructed Your thoughts Unobstructed, Jumping buildings Rooftops Reflected How you talk Pyramids Re-constructed Like Cardboard Boxes The Phoenix Older than Watches. Time. Invented. I see Egypt Rise In your eyes Clarity & Union Sun Dies (the 60s telephone in the Barcelona topaz tiled toilet rings) “hola. No hablo espanol.” & Egypt rises, of course. No surprises,  In his very Earthen Eyes. Barcelona July 2013.

Step 1

I hear the gentle roll of the train outside my new window.  I did it.  I moved.  And I feel so much better.  I hated that place.  It's interesting how difficult it is for me to express it.  I hated that apartment.  The memories.  The experiences.  The Sadness.  The death.  Thank you Universe for getting me out of there alive. 

From Palestine to Blaagardsplads

when i first started teaching many moons ago - i was immediately blown away by the kids that i met. if i only had to deal with them: i'd still be teaching. today i  found something written by one of my former students.  he's a young adult now but at the time he must have been in the 6th or 7th grade. when you read this, you will get an idea of how similar the experiences are between immigrants here in denmark and people of color in the u.s.  From Palestine to BlÃ¥gÃ¥rdsplads I’m a Palestinian boy living in Denmark, in a tough neighborhood called BlÃ¥gÃ¥rdsplads. People who live in my neighborhood are people with a minority background, like me. Many of the young boys in my neighborhood use most of their time on the streets, hanging out in groups and trying to find ways to make easy money. Now I’m wondering about, is it their own fault that they have chosen to take this path, or is it society's fault? When I talk about society, I’m not only talking about school ...