
Showing posts from April, 2015

ENAR Steering Group on Afrophobia- Code Orange

On Friday April 10th about 20 people gathered in Brussels, Belgium.  We were from all over Europe: Hungary, Slovenia, Germany, Ireland, London, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Belgium and Denmark and we came together to move towards a EU framework for national strategies to combat Afrophobia and promote the inclusion of people of African descent and Black Europeans. Afrophobia  (a term that rightfully warrants a thorough discussion on the merits of using such a term in the first place) attempts to put a name to a force that many people of African descent have all too commonly had to face around the world: of living within an oppressive sometimes subliminally, sometimes more openly, racist society. The failure of many to see the direct relationship between the way in which the policy of racism privileges a certain group and disenfranchises many others is strange to me. What is startling is that anti-Black racism as a phenomenon per se is not even officially recognized...

Isang's Hair and Body



YAAM in Berlin This Easter found me in Berlin - which is an approximately 6 hour train ride from Copenhagen's Central Station. Kids are free until 16 years of age - and with the Central Station a mere few blocks away from my home, Kai and I decided to take a train to another country.  It was great because the last time I met up with Dina Krasman, a former roommate at Flux in Williamsburgh. Dina is from Portugal and Germany and she's now living in Berlin.  She was one of the many visitors we had from around the world in the old feather factory in Williamsburgh that a lot of us called home. The building on Kent and Metropolitan - 210A Kent Avenue - isn't there any more, but it will always be a part of our lives. When I in New York last winter, I had the opportunity to stay in Williamsburgh - and to say that it has changed is an understatement.  I'm thankful to have been there the period that I was and to have spent the time spent there.  If it's one that that ...

Starseed from Brooklyn: Chelsea Reject
