
Showing posts from August, 2016

Nate Parker and the birthing of a truly new nation: an exercise in potential healing.

This whole world is in need of some healing. I am so sad about this. But I see an opportunity. I see an opportunity for Nate Parker to truly show that he understands the severity of the situation. How? By supporting victims of sexual violence. As stats go - sexual violence and Black womanhood unfortunately, have a long history (read: slavery. I could go on here, but I won't.) Most women currently imprisoned in the US have had a history of sexual violence. This is not about the fact that he got off and so is "innocent"- this could have easily been the case even if he wasn't innocent. It would be great if courts worked that way. But we know better. This is about a young woman whose life after the attack took the usual road of self-destruction many victims of sexual violence exhibit. We need to all honor her life, and the millions others, who have lived and continue to live with the debilitating effects of sexual violence. This conversation needs to be shifted - ins...

Country- the map to liberation

The life of a warrior writer is not easy. Its success lies in the messages I spin between this world and me. Here is my last performance, my debut of   'C O U N T R Y - the map to liberation': a word performance in Duisburg for the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research.