
Aya - put some respect on her name

ayahuasca vine illustration imt *content warning*  describes the use of nontraditional methods of treating trauma and the use of psychedelic substances. this article is meant to educate and not as a prescription. by Lesley-Ann Brown I’m not a sociologist, so I’m not fully equipped to interpret what it means when a person or thing becomes a punchline to a Chelsea Handler joke, but I am sure there are worse fates. Still, when I heard ayahuasca’s name come out of her mouth, I felt a need to speak up for it like you’d speak up to a bully picking on your best friend. Although, in all fairness to Handler, the joke was funny, this time.   I’m using Chelsea Handler as an example here – because I know how problematic she can be. And the fact that I’m engaging with this name, is a testimony to the power of ayahuasca.   Full disclosure: I’m one of those annoying folks who refer to ayahuasca as ‘Aya.’ But according to the South African Black Consciousness Scholar Simmi Dullay, ‘Aya’ ...

Lesley-Ann Brown Blackgirl on Mars - Book Passage Conversations with Aut...


Finland is a country...

Finland is a country.... According to some conspiracy theorists (my son tells me), Finland is not real-- but here I am about to land. It's my second time here, and I can see the forests from up high, and this gives me comfort. The flight from Copenhagen to Helsinki is uneventful and short, two things I value. I take a cab from the airport to where I'll be staying for a week - I'm here to conduct a workshop at UniArts Helsinki/Theatre Academy in connection with the  M/other Becomings Symposium ; a two-day event where I was also invited to be among the host of keynote speakers and panels.  m/other becomings  is a collaboration between   Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (DK) , The Association for Arts and Mental Health (DK),   Kultivator (SE) ,  Art Lab Gnesta (SE) , and Bioart Society (FI). Helsinki is green and sunny - the sun is out for the seven of the eight days that I'm there and wherever I walk the smell of lilacs and elderberry seem to follow. On...

plant school

  One of the markets that managed to fare well during the pandemic was houseplants - here in the west we invested lots of time and money on our plant relatives. And although it's a symptom of our general mass consumption, this one didn't annoy me as the usual transactional exchanges tend to. It made sense - we were stuck indoors. And because I took many walks during the first pandemic lockdown in New York, I witnessed the fact that spring happened, relatively unobserved by the human demographic. I saw buds emerge, patches of strawberries and flowers burst open relatively on their own.  I know why I went houseplant crazy.  I had recently returned to Denmark, and my friend gifted me with a pin-striped calathea - or prayer plant. With its deep green leaves and pink pin stripes, I was intrigued. As with all plants in my possession, I immediately read what I could about this plant: they grew on the floor of the Amazon, they needed moist soil and not too much direct s...


Gratitude  to friends  who kiss  your hand  and so  mend your  heart. 

Life on Mars...I'm back!

  This was my view this morning.  So happy to hear the birds and see the burst of nature outside my window.  I've been thinking about this blog for quite some time now; wanting to get back into it. I've missed the platform and connecting with you.  When I started this blog back in 2005, I had always envisioned a book (& other forms of media!) - I'm delighted to report that my second book, aptly entitled, "Blackgirl on Mars" will be out in February 2023.  Well, so much has changed (as it should) since beginning this blog. I'm 50 now (I always thought I would die at 42, so what a surprise!); I'm managing to create a life (mostly) on my terms; I've been connecting and meeting incredible new people and most of all, I've got my health and energy back (mostly).  More later - I just wanted to officially report that I'm back.  

Hildred Balbirsingh (September 17th, 1924-February 10th, 2019)

I had the honor of writing and presenting my grandmother's Eulogy at her funeral in Santa Cruz, Trinidad on Friday, March 1st. As you may already know if you're a long-time reader of my blog, my grandmother and I had a very close relationship. My name is Lesley-Ann and I am one of Hildred Balbirsingh’s 10 grandchildren.  Mummy Hildred transitioned on February 10 th , 2019.  She was the faithful wife of Ewart G. Gladstone for 50 years and survived him by 25 years. She is survived by her five children  Beryl, Bernice, Stephen, Beverly & Vincent. Her ten grandchildren: Shelley, Gerry, Tessa, Junior, Camille, Tami, Jason, Marvin, Dominic-Savio and myself.  She also is the great grandmother of Gerard Jr. , Renee, Maya, Talia, Kai, Kaii, Benjamin, Gabriel Savior, Geriah and Ryuta.  She is also the great great grandmother of Sidney Stinson.  Thank you all for coming to celebrate her life.  My grandmother was born here in Santa...