Pan-Africanism In Copenhagen

Last night I went to Danmark Sociale Forum to hear a talk on Pan-Africanism by Lee C. Robinson of African Awareness Association, Inc. He flew all the way in from Richmond, Va., and it was great to sit somewhere in Denmark and hear names like Kwame Toure, Assata Shakur, Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. De Bois... On the desk were copies of Tony Martin's The Pan African Connection (I once drove from NYC to Boston with Prof. Martin listening to Billy Holiday...years ago and when we drove up to his house there was a notice on his door about the passing of his mother. I was on my way to work at a farm and Prof. Martin's books have been in my life since I was about twelve. His work introduced me to the teachings and accomplishments of Marcus Garvey); Eric Williams' Capitalism and Slavery and Walter Rodney's How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Mr. Robinson spoke about the importance of understanding African history, the origins and platform of the Pan-African Movement, the significance of ...