Happy New Year!

As the old year crumbles into the new, there is just one thing I can't shake & that's the idea of support. There are so many people who, throughout the years, have believed in the madness of Lesley-Ann. I for one, think that is a VERY GOOD thing. Why? Cause it keeps me afloat. It's a great solace to know that there are people out there who believe in me. So, the first props goes out to Mother #1--My mother, Beryl Ann-Rose Brown. She always told me I can be a writer and guess what? I am! My sister--Shelley-Ann D'Anna Balbirsingh--Always there when I need her and she's like creative genius #1. If you guys think I'm a lot with my hats, publishing venture, blog and music, well you should see who inspires me! Shelley, You have been through a LOT these last couple of years. I know losing Anthony was like losing your heart. He was the love of your life but he has left you with the greatest gift ever: That of believing in yourself. He believes in you, I believe in y...