Happy New Year!

As the old year crumbles into the new, there is just one thing I can't shake & that's the idea of support.
There are so many people who, throughout the years, have believed in the madness of Lesley-Ann. I for one, think that is a VERY GOOD thing. Why? Cause it keeps me afloat.
It's a great solace to know that there are people out there who believe in me. So, the first props goes out to Mother #1--My mother, Beryl Ann-Rose Brown. She always told me I can be a writer and guess what? I am!
My sister--Shelley-Ann D'Anna Balbirsingh--Always there when I need her and she's like creative genius #1. If you guys think I'm a lot with my hats, publishing venture, blog and music, well you should see who inspires me! Shelley, You have been through a LOT these last couple of years. I know losing Anthony was like losing your heart. He was the love of your life but he has left you with the greatest gift ever: That of believing in yourself. He believes in you, I believe in you. You are a beautiful, talented woman and the world is positively influenced by your presence.
To my brother Gerry: You are the coolest--and don't forget that. 2008 will be great for you. I promise you that.
OK--to the girlz:
Stine: You are in India. Enjoy it. You are with the man of your dreams. You have showed me support in ways that I can not take for granted. You are my "yes" woman, cause no matter what I say, you are like, "Yes!"
Stine Haynes: Another reason why I think Danish women rock! You are my fertilizer.
Ida: Ok, so family has taken you away from me, for now, but we'll be reunited again. And it will be GREAT.
Elene: You are my right hand woman and Bandit Queen Press is gonna be BIG in 2008. You will help make this happen...
Marie D. Brown: Hello? I think I've written enough about you my spiritual mamma. Just wish I could be making this magic with you in Harlem. But I guess it doesn't matter where I'm at, cause you the Queen B...
Karen R. Good: When I first saw you it was like that scene from West Side Story where Tony first sees Maria--you are the flyest human being I could ever have hoped to stumble upon and our time is NOW.
Debbie: Wherever you are in the world, you give me your support. I am so proud of you.
Pam--would you hurry up and finish with this damn sailing trip with your family already? I miss you. Pussy Galore's awaits us and so many other fabulous things...
Tchina or Tshina, I can't wait to see you again. It will be worth the wait.
Happy New Year all the rest, too many to name.
Lisa Davis: Our telephone conversations definitely help in keeping me focused. Your belief in what I am doing is priceless and I hope I am as much a support to you as you have been to me throughout the years.
Let 2007 be the year I found love, or love found me and it is only even more greatness that awaits me and every one else!
I also wish to thank all you folks who drop by here and take the time to read what I'm writing. 2008 will be a Year of even better posts and creations.
As I'm writing this, the fireworks are going off as everyone prepares to blast the old Year out. Tomorrow will be a New Year and tonight, it is just me and Kai chilling. I can safely say things are on track--of course it's not going as fast as I would like it, but I'm wise to know now that that is not a bad thing.
Thank you all for your support and 2008? Oh, it'll be great!
Peace & Love,
the lab
Oh, and check this out: M.I.A.