a guide for earthlings. the official website of original thought, window gardens, subversive plots. featuring words, yarn & beats by brooklyn born trinidadian-american writer lesley-ann brown, aka the lab
Shine Visits...
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Claudius Pratt & Justin Moses Gunn from Shine came by for a visit on Thursday. We ate some curry, talked about New York/Expat Life and most of all: Creativity! Stay tuned...
It's good to see that you are keeping good company up North (Shine) but I'm wondering, did they play for their dinner like the wandering troubadours of Ye Olde Europa or did you just cook for them out of the kindness of your heart? I can smell that good West Indian curry dish way down here in Germany and yes, I'm jealous of Claudius and Justin 'cause I am not at the table with my head bent low over a plate of that good cooking.
I left a response to your last comment at my place and again, thank you for your kind words. I'm the lucky one to have people like you at my back, not the other way around.
P.S. Girl, you have really been busy sprucing up your blog over the last few months. Looks nice too, real nice.
Yeah, I shoulda made them play me some music on their visit, but instead, we had a meeting! Putting a show together, perhaps something you can come to Copenhagen for? Anyho--you know I'll make you some good trini curry whenever we finally meet each other! Hugs, the lab
Anonymous said…
Hey Les, thanks for hippin' me to SHINE! Checked out the websit too...all i can say is AMAZING! I have to get their music. Love the pic., food looks great, and i can't believe you did not make the give you a private concert :)!!! Love Ya, shell
Thanks sis for dropping by! Glad you like their music! I do too--they joke that they should pay me to follow them at concerts cause I make a lot of noise when they play! hugs, lab
It's half-past twelve and the rest of the house is asleep while I work on my latest shawl. I can hear the frogs croaking outside and the breeze from the fan is cool on my otherwise hot skin. As I knit, I am reminded of the many evenings I have stayed awake in this house in Diamond Vale, while my grandparents were asleep, and I'd be up late studying for an exam I had to take at Providence Girls Catholic School or I would have been writing a story or something. Sometimes, I just stayed up late to watch television, and in those days, there were only two television stations! There is something about this house that holds me with so much love. Maybe it's the fact that I spent four years here, maybe it's because it's my grandparent's house, maybe it's because it's in the land of my ancestors - maybe it's a combination of all that and more, but I truly do feel at peace here. I was so sick when I was in Denmark. My job really stressed me out. My body felt...
This is Alanna Lockward this past summer in Berlin. It was the last evening of BE.BOP 2018: Coalitions facing White Innocence. today I received the very sad news that my friend and mentor, Alanna Lockward passed - I did not know that grief could make you feel nauseated. I was just in touch with her this past weekend and over the holidays. I was about to apply for a fellowship and she was one of the first people I thought a bout for a letter of recommendation, and in true Alanna style, she did not hesitate with a yes. I decided in the end not to apply, but we continued to chat over WhatsApp - with her last message to me telling me that she was in Haiti and how excited she was for this new year. Alanna was the brainchild behind Be.Bop - Black Body politics that met every other year. These meetings were radical in the very fact that they were happening at all. Alanna was able to bring together decolonial thinkers and artists - Walter Mignolo, Tanja Ostojic, A...
The best place to buy a book, if you were to ask me, is from a bookshop. I love bookshops & believe in supporting them. If however, you would like to order my book online, here are two links. One is for my publisher in London, the other is for Amazon - but there are many other book sellers on the internet you can choose from. Thanks for your support! UK & Europe: Repeater Books US, North America & the Caribbean Amazon:
I left a response to your last comment at my place and again, thank you for your kind words. I'm the lucky one to have people like you at my back, not the other way around.
P.S. Girl, you have really been busy sprucing up your blog over the last few months. Looks nice too, real nice.
the lab
Love the pic., food looks great, and i can't believe you did not make the give you a private concert :)!!!
Love Ya, shell