Worthy Enough to Promote

For more information www.cnn.com/blackinamerica

Blackgirl on Mars is getting ready to return to the DK...



I'm definitely interested in seeing it.
Guanaguanare said…
Have a safe trip back! I really missed you.
I can't wait for you to get back, look forward to reading from you again.
Felicity said…
I'll look to see if they will show it on UK tv, we get CNN in the UK.
Lenoxave said…
Look forward to your return and more posts.
Anonymous said…
I never have much faith in these Black in America shows, especially those that are not done with an independent lens. The target audience is always white folks. I hadn't planned to watch the program, but I watched some of it just so I could talk about it with an informed voice. My complaint is that the main issue that is behind all the problems they discuss--poverty, poor schools, one third of black men in prison, 50 percent of black men unemployed, 70 percent of black children born to single mothers--the reason for these problems, and an exploration of why and how our government has set our society up this way, is never discussed. The program just dances on the surface of the problem without ever really exploring it, because if they did, the discussion would take a different turn entirely. I'm sure you can imagine the conversation J and I had at 3:30 this morning about this very show. :-)


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