I've finally figured it out: We're the Logan's Run generation. Remember that cheesy 70s movie, where everyone over 30 got knocked off by the sandmen? Well, that's us. See, there's nobody there really, to knock us off, but we just don't mature much, over, say 16? Our parents just sort of got on with it. Us? We got so many choices--we don't know what to do with ourselves. Some of us go around still, in baggy jeans. Some go around with tight jeans. No matter which way you look at it, we're still running around like a bunch of teenagers. I remember the first time I saw Desperate Housewives. It was one of the first times they saw showed it here in Denmark, and I didn't know what it was I was watching. I described it to a friend as, "it was a show with a bunch of old people running around like teenagers." Little did I know that this show was reflecting a dementia-at-large. Think about it: Marriage doesn't have the same financial connotations ...