Purple Magazine Issue #6

leaders. Let's bless it with serious love. Let us applaud one another and throw the old industry politics to the wind. What
is happening in the underrepresented community now is a sign of things to come. Solidarity is the move here. The
Indiestream can easily overtake the Mainstream, and imprint upon it a love model. Sure not everyone gets along all of
the time, but we can agree we walk in solidarity, and spread love while letting negativity slip on by without feeding into it.
In a society that has rejected the rebirth of original, underrepresented cultures, it becomes
necessary to check oneself thoroughly, to be sure toxic stereotypes are not being perpetuated
by our perceptions, or behaviors. It is necessary to rise up out of the shackles of
criminalized/demonized caricatures, and allow ourselves to mourn the lost knowledge of our
roots, while also recreating healthy traditions for use in the community and for passing down
to our youth.
When we control our mind, culture, and collective thought process in respect to ourselves in
terms of self image, self worth and collective as well as individual purpose, we can no longer
be controlled by outside forces.
Our myths, both modern and ancient set the bar for our paradigms. Make your own myths.
Make your own traditions. Share them. Create sister circles. Create brother circles. Create
sisterbrother circles. Power can only be wielded if it is accepted, and that requires self trust,
which can only be come by through: self love.
Shine brightly star children.
Celebrate your cultural and universal beauty.
--Purple Zoe
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this looks like a dope magazine. thanks for hipping us to it.
Serious thanks.
I hope you enjoy it.