
Showing posts from April, 2009

Acting Out

Last night, after a day of fine weather, the heavens brewed and eventually burst. With a spectacular lightning show accompanied by thunderous drum rolls, I cycled home in the rain and allowed myself to be baptized by the elements. I cycled along the lakes after a brief meeting with my, well, I guess you can call her business partner because she and I are not only in the midst of putting a show together in May, but from the sound of it, there will be many more events to spring from this partnership. Life is good. Busy but good. Saturday I threw a "Happy Spring" party in honor of someone who has recently gotten engaged to a Dane, so that she could meet some cool people. The party ended up having a lot of New Yorkers, and can I just say that my wooden floor was shaking? I kid you not. Folks were doing the electric slide, the hustle, old school hip hop was blasting from my blown-out speakers and I think I may have even burst out with the wop--but ANYWAY, it was a really good part...
"Remember it is better to have a lot on your plate than to not have enough...Be Full... Although the beach in Mallorca sounds really, really good."

Dis Poem

Dis Poem takes me back to Jamaica...
Life in peices: Take each one & follow, breathing.

Dedicated to all the Yu-Gi-Oh Parents in the House: God Bless the people who did this version!

Yipee! I won a Lemonade Stand Award and Now I Get to Share!

The Blackgirl on Mars Blog is one of the latest recipients of the Lemonade Stand Award! Adrianne George of Black Women In Europe Blog awarded it to me! 1. Put the logo on your blog or post. 2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude. 3. Link to your nominees within your post. 4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. 5. Nominate your favorites, and link to this post. In my opinion these blogs show great attitude and/or gratitude: A Brother In Sweden Zooms Freespirit Rootsblog Watchman Ultraviolet Underground Guanaguanare A Mother From Gaza Color Online Hat's Off

Resurrecting Kong

We were never really meant to survive, At least not in human form —Audrey Lorde I have always identified with Kong—King Kong, that is. Pamela Sneed’s Kong and Other Works took me back to a time when I innately picked up on all the messages sent my way, back to a time when I did not doubt my mission in life. Her Kong and Other Works took me back to that awakening I first experienced when I read such authors as Audre Lorde and James Baldwin—folks that let me know that I was not alone, that there were others fighting the windmills of lies. One day as I biked along the lakes in Copenhagen, continuing my mediation on the title Kong, it came to me: Sneed resurrects Kong and vindicates him and all that he is supposed to represent. As a child I pitied him and hated the cast who harassed him. With the clarity bestowed upon children, I saw that Kong was victim while the “human” cast were the very same people who were capable of committing another atrocity I, even as a child, had already co...

A Poem for Catalonia

I wish I had danced with you. When you grabbed me by the waist, spun me around, Your face wide with a smile. I wish I had danced with you.

Why I Love Regikens...Part II

Hi Lesley it's two ninteen am here and I stopped smoking cigarettes two days ago. I'm writing so I don't go to the store, ok? Why I Wanted to be a MOM Moms have the best punchlines (Wilma/Fred, Alice/Ralph) The show wasn't called "I Love Ricky" The value of the title "Father Knows Best" comes from the fact that he didn't. Uncle Charlie had more flavor than Fred MacMurray Florida was inspirational, James was in the way. I'd much rather spend the day with Edith, Gloria, Louise and Maude than I would with Archie, Michael, George or Walter. To be sure, we'd've all been all right after a few rounds. But why? Why did I continue even though I was informed by my Kindergarten peers that I couldn't be a Mom because I was a boy. Why did I insist on not being stopped by unsigned rules regarding role and body form? Because They, Moms, had all the colorful plumage, the better quality fur... they were allowed to feel and react, they got all t...

Vivir la Vida

I have learned: the only thing you can hold on to are lessons learned; that life is scary (yet exhilerating--kinda like a roller coaster ride) when you live it truthfully; to open my eyes to the beauty around. Blackgirl on Mars has had an amazing few weeks and is ready for the world!

Copenhagen Ska Convention

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of seeing Susan Cadogan at the Copenhagen Ska Convention at Loppen. Here's how she was introduced on the programme: I don´t know if it hurts, but listening to Susan Cadogan sure is good! Its been 5 years since she, backed by Glen Adams & The Slackers, last visited Copenhagen and now she returns to sing sweet rocksteady and reggae once more. Her debut record "Hurt so good", recorded and produced by none other than the legendary Lee Perry, reached number 5 in the uk charts and we are really looking forward to this show! She was really worth the wait, and although I won't be making it to the rest of the weekend's line-up, if you're in town, like ska and into good musicianship, then I definitely recommend you check this convention out. For more information check it out on Myspace Caio! the lab

Everybody Loves the Sunshine--Especially the Danes!

This morning as I dropped my son off to school, I swallowed my tears. My baby is off on his ski trip today, which means that we will be apart for over a week. It's the longest time we tend to be apart. Being away from him always conjures a mixed bag of feelings: sorry because I will sorely miss his presence in my life and a little bit of eagerness to focus, wholly, on all the little projects I have going on in my life. Just goes to show that one can never have everything. But I will use my time away from him wisely, and ensure that when next we meet, he will have a mother with a full tank of patience and love. As I made my way through Christianshavn towards the metro station, I passed a woman on her morning walk with her dog. A car drove past as the sun shone brightly on the ribbons of water that makes its way through the canals. She yelled to the passing car, with windows conveniently rolled down: "SÃ¥! Solen skinner igen!" I smiled because it is true: the sun is shining...