Why I Love Regikens...Part II

Hi Lesley it's two ninteen am here and I stopped smoking cigarettes two days ago. I'm writing so I don't go to the store, ok?

Why I Wanted to be a MOM

Moms have the best punchlines (Wilma/Fred, Alice/Ralph)
The show wasn't called "I Love Ricky"
The value of the title "Father Knows Best" comes from the fact that he didn't.
Uncle Charlie had more flavor than Fred MacMurray
Florida was inspirational, James was in the way.
I'd much rather spend the day with Edith, Gloria, Louise and Maude than I would with Archie, Michael, George or Walter. To be sure, we'd've all been all right after a few rounds.

But why? Why did I continue even though I was informed by my Kindergarten peers that I couldn't be a Mom because I was a boy. Why did I insist on not being stopped by unsigned rules regarding role and body form?
Because They, Moms, had all the colorful plumage, the better quality fur... they were allowed to feel and react, they got all the good-natured laughs (Maude? well sometimes)

Colorful Plumage, Extravagant Countenance, excessive protuberances
In the rest of the Animal Kingdom, the males get all that! THAT'S what I want!
But somehow, and for what I bet is a very weak reason, we have to wear drabness or face social commentary. So I face it dammit.

Looking over what I've written, I realize that TV and Kindergarten made me Gay. It's why I wanted to be a Mom. And the only way you can be a Mom in my family is to get married and have the other person be Dad. Since I wasn't going to let logic trip me up, that meant I was gay and I remember at 6 saying I was going to get a sex-change operation over the summer vacation. Luckily, for the world, I didn't go through with it. But, right when I turned 30 I found a good man, got married and gave up my career to make a home for us (poetic license, please) With plants as starter kids-- he didn't want plants, at first, because they would disrupt the orderly decor. The ones he agreed to? ???? They're spindly because I can't bring myself to pinch them. At times I feel bad for making them stay in my home instead of their natural habitat.

Being Mom sucks more frequently than they showed me on TV. I now watch less TV. My desire to be Mom has decreased. My desire for sex with my husband has likewise decreased. The less TV I watch, the less gay I get.

My dream is sucking. I sit here and I realize that I really wanted to be a Mom as my life's work. I gave all kinds of answers when people would ask me what I wanted to do. They're all possible and plausible, since I'm one of those people that can do anything, but . It's funny though, how being a Mom is on no ones list as a respected, respectable ambition. Even when a man performs the Mom role in a double-blind test with another man that considers himself relatively liberal and egalitarian as Dad and the children are only houseplants, "Mom" gets the short end of the Jobes Plant Fertilizer Stick far more frequently than either of us expected.

Mothers that make it look easy are good. "The Best!" says "Them".
Mothers that let us see how hard it is... something's wrong with them-- they're mean or crazy or something. Well... I'm a crazy mother, so hats off to you all!

It's three thirty eight. I'm hungry now. But DAMN if I'll eat and get fat just because I'm not smoking! But I ate eight hours ago, so this might be real hunger as opposed to an oral fixation. I'll have an apple.

I think what I'm going to do is let my acting take the place of my children and just call it a day. I'll make enough to pay Michael back for funding my experiment and we can go back to being two guys.

Lesley, you're a good friend, a good woman and a good mother.
I love you!

Its funny how your circumstances seem astounding to me, and yet to him they are simple everyday facts. Hooray for simplicity. I'll finish my apple and go to bed.

Reggie, Toni's Grandson

sidenote: the wives of the sidekicks are more obedient than the wives of the main characters

A few days later:

Hey darlin,

Yes, you can upload it. Sign it: Reggie, Toni's Grandson.

It has dawned on me that I might as well stop trying to hide and relax in comfort-- I'm going to be/be-made-into something far more intense than I intended unless I SERIOUSLY f' it up.

When I was a kid I was so arrogant, I was shut down and reprogrammed into a humble servant. Now when I follow directions on how to be in Theatre everything I do seems arrogant to me, which I know is logically incorrect. I'll get there. I just have to stop worrying about going to Hell. Isn't that strange: never once, at any stage in my life, have I worried about going to hell for being gay, but all the time am I worried about bad karma from moving up in the world.

I remember that epsiode of ANTM, wait a minute, MALLORCA? Digame mami, hablas espanol or are you gonna be one of those americans?

But I do remember that series. Isis went through a quandry I've experienced and recognized in others: People I know love me as I am, but how outre should I be in unknown environments? I go for the sexy librarian effect until I'm under contract. Easy on the eyes, kinda reserved, funny. If I want to let them know, I'll give them one of several monologues of flamboyant people. People are animals, that's why I watch the Dog Whisperer. Isis was afraid, the other girls sensed it, and went in for the kill. Just like in Call of the Wild. Or "The Women".

alrighty puddin pop, it's time for bed.
I audition for the Classical Theatre of Harlem in 11 hours. I'll be giving them a monologue from King Hedley the Second and a song from Golden Boy. I'll let you know how it goes.

All my projects will be over by mid-July, so it looks like we'll be free this summer. Let me know what Kai wants next. The postal clerks here got a real kick outta the last shipment, cream of wheat from Harlem to Copenhagen. BTW, is he attached to the brand itself? Otherwise I'd rather buy organic.

Reggie, Toni's Grandson3:27am Harlem


Fly Brother said…
Wow...this was deep. Brother totally flipped the ideas of maternity and manhood on their heads.
fly brother: thank you! i'm was thinking, doesn't anyone get how brilliant this is? and you did.
thank you!
the lab

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