
Life goes a lot faster than I can write...and even though I said I would be on vacation til the 14th, well, I just can't keep myself away.
I think it is official: this has been one of the best summers I have experienced in a long time, and I didn't even leave the country!
First was the great move: moving from one part of Copenhagen, a pretty posh side to a more working class neighborhood. I do miss my old apartment and neighborhood, it was a great peak into a world I'm not usually privy too, but I am loving my new neighborhood too! It reminds me of Brooklyn, Queens even. And the apartment is mine! It is close to Kai's school! It is close to all Kai's friends! And it is close to his dad as well! So, needless to say, my little boy is pretty happy with the move.
After getting the apartment semi-functional, I spent some time up North in a small, old fishing village called Tisvilde. There's a fantastic beach, surrounded by the woods. There was a lot of Nature, some mountain biking, running, great food, lots of wine and beer, fantastic food and great company. I even managed to read a book (In to the Wild by Jon Krakauer--great book).
Since I'm relatively new at this teaching thing, I thought it wise to head back into town earlier than I normally would to give myself a week to prepare for the kids. I'm glad I'm doing this and now I'm done for the day and am sitting in a Japanese restaurant in Vesterbro...yummy, then I'm off to the gym to meet THREE other sisters from New York to work out. I'm really looking forward to that.
This past weekend I went to the Gay Pride Parade. It was loads of fun: Reminded me so much of New York. And thanks to my talented 9 year-old photographer Sophia Lykke Smith for the fantastic photos. She's got an eye and a knack for this!
Bureau 39, my zine, is coming along really well. So far we've got contributions from Willie Perdomo, Tony Medina, Karen R. Good, Suheir Hammad and many many more talented writers and illustrators. I've also interviewed Claudius Pratt from Reverend Shine Snake Oil Co. for the issue. I'm dropping it in October and am so thankful to the many people who have helped this dream come to fruition. Which reminds me, I am a pretty blessed woman! :-) The purpose of Bureau 39 is to expose Copenhageners to many dope writers and artists, they otherwise may not be privy to. It comes out of the idea of my creating what I need here, instead of bemoaning all of the things Copenhagen seems to miss.
I am now moving into another creative phase where the focus will be my one-woman show. I have a crew of some very excited, creative people who are as gung-ho about it as I. Need I ask for more?
Speaking about blessings, guess where I'm going tomorrow night? I'm gonna see none other than the legendary Jazz Organist, Dr. Lonnie Smith! (Thanks Niko!) I'm pretty excited, for as you probably already know, I am the daughter of a Hammond Organ B3 player...and it obviously has left its impression.
Well anyway, as you can see, I'm feeling pretty good. Yesterday I walked into my classroom and felt such happiness to be a part of the school in which I work and I really look forward to seeing my students, the old and new, once again.
the lab


Cher815 said…
Fly, baby, fly...
Lenoxave said…
Congratulations! I can hear the joy coming thru this post. Life is good.

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