
Mommy, I Know with Your Dyed Brown Hair & Black Roots You did Your best. Although The years Whirl By— You still A Girl Inside. Dwarfed By Motherhood The only Role You Understand Is at the Side of Your Man. Mommy, I know it’s Hard when No one Can Bridge the Divide Between You & Yourself. (It’s so lonely). Mommy I know Things Confusing Especially With the Fast Pace things Seem to Be moving… It ain’t Easy Being A mother To 3, Especially When One of those Children Is Me. The daughter Of Orphans, You didn’t Have a choice, I know It hard Mommy, 60, Still Hustling, Keeping Your Life Busy, So you Don’t have To look… I know It hard Mommy, With your Hair So Red But your Roots Still Black, I know It Hard Mommy, & I know You tried Your Best. Copenhagen, 2007