Shhhh! There's Something Happening in Copenhagen!

Edward Said would be interested. So would bell hooks, Stuart Hall, Kara Walker...any artist, Cultural Theorist, or human being interested in telling it like it is. NotAboutKarenBlixen is a project which uses Karen Blixen's legacy to create attention and reflection over the relationship between Denmark and Kenya (specifically) and all the parallel worlds around this (generally). It is about dialogue. It is about seeing: How do we see each other? How do we read each other? It is about interrogation and critique. It is about moving forward from this post-colonial state or perhaps even discovering, that this is not possible. But most importantly, it is about entering without attachments to outcome, but committed only to finding truths.
Through visual art, sound, performance and new media, this project will build a bridge not only between Denmark and Kenya, but between all whose histories mirror the dynamic inherent between these two countries.
Cast in this project are artists who represent many identities: Nann Debois Buhl (Denmark), Brendan Fernandes (Kenya),Michelle Eistrup (Denmark, Jamaica),Gillion Grantsaan (Suriname, the Netherlands), James Muruiki (Kenya), Ato Malinda (Kenya) and Lesley-Ann Brown (U.S.A., Trinidad & Tobago,Denmark.

NotAboutKarenBlixen is a Danish/Kenyan cooperation for the My World Images Festival 2010

Stay tuned for more information!
the lab


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