Tales from the Bandit Quest...

Ingredients for Miracles:

1 portion of all you got faith in yourself.
1 portion of all you got faith in the universe and the perfection of it all (and the perfection of you).
1 picture of how your want things to unfold.
1 dose of all the love you have
a mantra that creates space for non-linear possibilities

move in confidence through that space that is imagined between where you are and that which is already yours. move in love and light. know that you are created in perfection and that the universe makes no mistakes.

the lab


Deborah Cowell said…
The technology that I have access to does not allow me to do much more than read. Occasionally I can find a spot where I can see the streaming video, but not often. I comment rarely because...well...I just comment rarely. I needed to read this post right now. For so many different reasons. But 'post' is such a poor way to describe savung grace. Thank you for taking the time to share the essence of who you are. Always.


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