
So last night I watched Joaquin Phoenix's I'm Still Here (no comment) but seeing him made me think of his brother River. Don't get me wrong, I recognize Joaquin's brilliance, but he definitely goes places in that movie, that, as far as I'm concerned, he didn't need to go. But that's another story. Anyway, again, watching it pointed me in the direction of his late-brother (perhaps it was the last scene in J's movie?) and then I found the above which I feel compelled to share. The messages that these panelists are sharing are so on-point and relevant now, even more than ever. I take my hat off to Lisa Bonet: she's always done things her own way and that earns my respect. Interesting to note that two of the panalists, Phoenix and Julia, have both passed. The entire episode is worth your time.
farvel, the lab


Camille Acey said…
Thanks for this! I was River Phoenix obsessed in grade school. I bought a 99cent unauthorized biography when I was like 10 and that was that from there. Every magazine article I found went in my River scrapbook and every trip to blockbuster was about finding one of his movies. I was certain we'd meet one day and fall madly in friendship. Then he died before that could all happen... I was crushed and saddened moreover to find out he was a total junkie. Oh how innocent I was!

Just this week I was watching Discovery and they were going over his troubled last days. It was so sad I could barely watch, but I'm totally gonna watch this Donahue. Time to revisit my tweenage crush!

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