As Above, so below, as within, so without...

The Doctrine of Signatures is profound ancient wisdom that is purposely being suppressed. It states that every fruit and vegetable has a certain pattern that resembles a body organ, and that this pattern acts as a signal or sign as to that fruit or vegetable’s benefit to us. Modern science confirms that the ancient “Doctrine of Signatures” is astoundingly accurate. Why does this vital knowledge remain hidden?

I first came across the idea of the Doctrine of Signatures a few months ago on this site.  

I discovered this doctrine  by accident, and was completely excited when I did. The information spoke to my intuition and appealed to my sense of aesthetics. The first thing I wanted to do, the more I found out about this, was make it available as a Bandit Queen Press publication. Why? Because we are living in a time where using plants for ailments, growing certain plants, using certain plants, seeds, is becoming illegal!

How can the law come between a human and a plant?

Let me remind you that our ancestors did not make it thus far due to the wonders of modern medicine. I am not blasting what we as human beings have accomplished. What makes me weary is when we remove choice. What makes me weary is the fact that growing your own vegetable garden is becoming an act of banditry throughout the United States of America and throughout the rest of the world.

What right is more basic than for someone to be able to grow his or her own food? What right is more basic than for someone to choose, which remedy they desire?

Large companies, who will remain nameless, are controlling our food. They have people working in our government who have stocks in their company. They claim that they are controlling the food to stop world hunger. They are terrorizing farmers. Spying on them, to ensure that they control the seed. 

I will go so far to say that these companies (or company) are the reason for world hunger.  Bill Gates' stroll into philanthropy involved one of these companies, where he himself is one of the larges stockholders. 

These large companies are the same companies who are making hazardous, toxic products for war, and then "cleaning their toxic waste" by feeding it to bacteria, who then passes it out (aka takes a dump). What do these companies do with this bacterial fecal matter? They use it to sweeten our food.  They have so much power, they have managed to get the FDA (which they carry a highly incestuous relationship with. The FDA is supposed to represent the American people. Instead they have either worked for these companies, are given financial rewards, or will eventually work for these multi-national, whose salaries are much higher than government jobs, ofcouse)...anyway, back to the point. These people who are supposed to protect us have managed to not make is necessary for our food labels to include whether we are consuming GMOs or not.  If you don't believe me, look into all of this yourself. I have. And what I'm finding out is increasingly unsettling. 

And don't tell me I am anti-science. Many critics of the whole GMO debate will tell you that the biggest problem behind the current GMO engineering is their method: and why are they choosing the method that is linked to so much disease & death? Because it is cheapest. 

These large companies are in bed with government, with the military, and other large global corporations who don't pay taxes. 

So in an effort to preserve some of the ancient, intuitive knowledge that has been handed down to us through the ages, Bandit Queen Press is proud to offer you this introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures. 

Get bandit. Grow a garden.  If you're on lock-down in a city like I am, imagine a seed of light. Plant it in your soul. And watch it grow. So far, that's not illegal. Yet. 

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