Bandit Queen Press!
Plant the Seed...Bandit Queen Press! |
Pea Flowers & carrots |
window garden: peas, flowers & carrots |
growing spinach in the kitchen! |
Integral to the Bandit Queen Press movement is incorporating the quantum-- and in this case, it's finding out what I can grow in my Copenhagen apartment.
The best way I can describe what I have been going through lately is to say that I feel as though a switch has been turned on, a genetic switch if you will, that is driving me to get my hands down in the soil, to plant, to marvel at the wonders of seeds--
The good news is, the kids love it. They respond to it in very much the same way they do to knitting or any other skill that harkens back to a time when the body, mind & soul would often engage in the ancient act of human creativity.
So right now the 5th graders have all planted string beans. We have been recording its growth and learning about the magic of plants. We're going to go to the forest soon and witness her waking up from her long winter sleep...
Before falling asleep last night, I thought how we sometimes perpetuate/perpetrate our realities...
verbmust you perpetuate these stupid myths? keep alive, keep going, preserve,conserve, sustain, maintain, continue, extend, carry on, keep up,prolong; immortalize, commemorate, memorialize, eternalize.
perpetrateverbthey perpetrated a series of armed robberies: commit, carry out, perform,execute, do, effect, bring about, accomplish; be guilty of, be to blame for, be responsible for, inflict, wreak; informal pull off; formal effectuate.
I don't know about you, but I think these are very good ideas to contemplate.
Stay tuned, there will be some talk and videos with some VERY interesting folks comingup. It's time I start sharing the wisdom of my circle with the rest of the world. I have been very fortunate to meet some amazing human beings...& you too will soon meet them!
Live from Mars, Lesley-Ann Brown