How to Darn Socks
I'm an avid knitter and crocheter. I had always wanted to learn how to knit and crochet, but never made the time and was never blessed to come across anyone to teach me, until I met my son's grandmother. Learning to knit and crochet definitely has increased the quality of my life. It is the best therapy and allows me to channel my creative energy whenever I'm at home, at work, or even on the metro.
Every year I teach my grade 5 classes how to knit and it is something, like gardening, that the girls and the boys both enjoy.
One of the delights I have had the pleasure to indulge in is having hand-knit socks from my son's Great Grandmother. My intention is learn how to knit my own socks this year. But anyway, one of the skills I believe we will all have to get more acquainted with is doing things ourselves. One of the skills that come in handy is knowing how to darn your own socks.
This post is for all you Do-it-yourselfers or soon to be DIY'er. These are new times and new times require MAD skills.