Showing posts from September, 2013
Health is Wealth
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tshina & little m It's been a couple of weeks now since I've returned from the farm. Again, I had an amazing experience that put me in touch with a few things that I'll like to share with those of you who read this. First of all, I've been thinking about Life a lot lately. Even more so than usual, because I am actually giving myself the time and opportunity to do this. Instead of intermittent thoughts here and there--thoughts interrupted so many times that I feel as though I barely ever get to develop them,, I'm allowing myself to really go to not only what I really think about things, but what I'm going to do about it. I was compelled to do this because as a human being on this planet, and as someone who was working as a teacher, I became increasingly concerned with some of the patterns that have emerged and are emerging. As I've undoubtedly mentioned before, I attended Eugene Lang College. At Lang, I received some stellar professors, many with ...
Awaken the Rainbow Serpent
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Here's an interesting article about Australia and its high level of incarceration of its indigenous people, Climate of Death- Justice Denied means more will die . In this article, some startling facts emerge about Australia and its relationship to its indigenous people: " I also found that Australia incarcerates its Aboriginal adult males at a marginally higher rate than what does the United States of America of its African-American adult males. This is a disturbing statistic because the USA is the mother of all jailers, with nearly one per cent of its population imprisoned. Australia, the world’s twelfth largest economy, and with the highest median incomes per capita, is a society harsh on its poorest, harsh on the downtrodden and this is evidenced by our prison incarceration rates. Once again we have the world’s highest rates of incarceration of Aboriginal peoples. To achieve this Australia doubled the prison population from 15,000 to 30,000 from 1991 to 2011 in or...
Manifest Destiny
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H in the outdoor shower at Radsted It's been a week since I left Radsted and it's been a challenge to adjust. There is no denying it- I find the work that must be engaged in self-suffiency to be the most rewarding work I have ever done. But luckily for me, the city that I return to is relatively small (although that takes its adjustments as well) and I have the time to put together my alchemical concoctions to manifest the dream. Until then, there is much to do and some pictures to share. To the left is a picture of one of my hosts, Hanne, having a shower outside the caravan. That's the caravan I spent my week in and I loved every minute of it. Some of the tasks I accomplished while there were cleaning a chicken coop- something which I had never done before and enjoyed doing. It was like cleaning a giant hamster cage. I particularly enjoyed getting my first egg from a nest (thanks Simon!) and again, learning how to do something I had never done before. Adam Goodblo...