Manifest Destiny

H in the outdoor shower at Radsted
 It's been a week since I left Radsted and it's been a challenge to adjust. There is no denying it- I find the work that must be engaged in self-suffiency to be the most rewarding work I have ever done. But luckily for me, the city that I return to is relatively small (although that takes its adjustments as well) and I have the time to put together my alchemical concoctions to manifest the dream. Until then, there is much to do and some pictures to share. To the left is a picture of one of my hosts, Hanne, having a shower outside the caravan. That's the caravan I spent my week in and I loved every minute of it. Some of the tasks I accomplished while there were cleaning a chicken coop- something which I had never done before and enjoyed doing. It was like cleaning a giant hamster cage. I particularly enjoyed getting my first egg from a nest (thanks Simon!) and again, learning how to do something I had never done before.
Adam Goodblood, the Hungarian in full effect!
Adam and I worked on  a few things together- we put up a fence, we cleaned the chicken coop together & made a herb garden. It was fascinating to hear about Hungary through a first-hand account, as I must admit that I really want to go to Eastern Europe (all over the world!) but some of the information that comes out is a bit scary for travelers of colour.  Although I am of the firm belief that one must be free to travel where one wants to, I do know the social discomforts that could sometimes be a part of the experience. I just bumped into a young lady who spent a year in China. She's traumatized.  Another aspect that is very unfortunate is that you tend to see a pattern of where there is economic depression, a rise in nationalism and the right. Now, I'm not saying this is the reality, but it certainly is the beat that the media likes to play, and although I'm not totally plugged into the media, there are enough of us that are for it to influence and so create another "reality" one based on fear and limits. All this to say that I really want to visit Hungary.
Adam is studying Environmental Engineering and it was interesting to hear what Hungary was up to agriculturally, as well.
I met up with Adam yesterday as he had a few hours in Copenhagen before taking the bus back to Hungary. We ended up going to the Glyptotek -- and checking out some ancient art. It was inspiring, to say the least. My new motto is when not nature, art.  We walked from Central Station over to Christianshavn, and I took him over to Christiania, where we had lunch. I met a Danish woman who had been to Trinidad in the 80s (about the time when I lived there) and she sang old Calypso songs I have not heard from that time, "Doh do dat! Doh do dat! Doh back back on me, doh back back!" That was a welcome blast from the past.  As Adam and I sat by the lake in Christiania, I asked Adam for a happy story. "A story that gives you happiness." "Making my mother proud, makes me happy." He says. "I don't know, but that one year I partied too much, I feel like I didn't do what a good son should do. Now I feel that I am being a son that she is proud of." There is one thing that Adam made abundantly clear to me on our brief meeting: there must be a lot of soul and humanity there, as he is a pretty clear example of that. 

most don't wonder why he has no nose. 

the lab

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