
Showing posts from September, 2014

Reflections on Rhode Island Writers' Colony

Brook Stephenson, Jason Reynolds  and Lesley-AnnBrown john & mary's garden Well, I'm all done with the Rhode Island Writers' Colony, or should I say I've just started? I had an amazing and productive two weeks there. I met some pretty intelligent and creative souls. There was Brook Stephenson , co-founder of the  Colony and his constant, unwavering optimism and encouragement.   Jason Reynolds who is an old soul-definitely doing his work to heal the world through the power of STORY and discovering his book When I was the Greatest , which I read and can't wait to pass on to my son. There was Charles Vincent Burwell whose quiet strength and enthusiasm for life (not to mention multi-talent) was inspiring to be around. Then there was John, Brook's gregarious and witty big brother (Pirate Buddha Master Storyteller anyone?) and also co-founder of the Rhode Island Writers' Colony, who also bemoaned the fact that the Humanities as a subject has been ...

Images from The Rhode Island's Writers Colony

allison newsome's lion @ her studio The past two weeks have offered a plethora of experiences and the opportunity to meet up and connect with some fantastic folks. All I could say for the past couple of weeks was, "Rhode Island? Who'd a-thunk it?"Aside from having time and an incredible town and space to write in, there were the people - from Brook Stephenson co-founder of The Rhode Island Writers Colony, his brother John (the other founder) who is like a walking Encyclopedia with the soul of a pirate, his partner Marie whose hospitality is much appreciated, to Jason Reynolds writer extraordinaire, Malundo Jones and Charles Vincent Burwell of the Clever Agency.  The host of characters include many citizens of Warren, Rhode Island who went out of their way to make us feel welcome. There was Angelo who frequented the local coffee shop everyday, to staff of the Coffee Depot. There was also the day Brook and I went over to Alisson Newsome's studio, here are so...

Images from Warren

Me, Jason & John the Mayor of Warren (picture courtesy of Jason Reynolds) a squash grows on the sidewalk can you beat this visual pun?  my future car 

Rhode Island Writer's Colony

two of the coolest brothers this sister had the opportunity to work, talk and geek with.  and from the heavens? a bird's nest came tumbling down from the tree... right down the street there is 160 year old tree. the small ones are her babies... every one needs support. bless the human who so lovingly propped up this limb with this  from mars to home & 3 very cool, inspiring, progressive brothers... geeking out on cars, books and dr. who special thanks to alison & kids for a true new england evening brook's bistro is not only nurturing for the stomach, but for the soul!  preparing an artist's dinner tomatoes from the garden.

A Vida são dois dias

in rene's garden... Recently, my friend Sara from Portugal shared the above expression with me. It means, she said, that "Life is two days." I like that concept, and in that spirit, I'll break down the last two days of my life: First of all, I'm on my way to Rhode Island to write at the very first Rhode Island Writer's Colony, spearheaded by Brook Stephens of Clever Agency. Together with the fabulous Jason Reynolds,  this will the kick-off event of this writing colony. Okay, maybe I'll cover more than 2 days. kai back in the day. Mom & Reggie holding it down together in Brooklyn for 17 years! Mom has actually been in New York 44 years now!  Thursday : I fly out of Copenhagen to Dusseldorf, Germany. The connection on paper seems effortless. The delay ends up being tantamount to a workday.  AirBerlin compensates us however, for the 4 hour delay. We get 5 Euros! (I know).  The highlight is my son asking, "Can I take you to the...