Images from The Rhode Island's Writers Colony

allison newsome's lion @ her studio
The past two weeks have offered a plethora of experiences and the opportunity to meet up and connect with some fantastic folks. All I could say for the past couple of weeks was, "Rhode Island? Who'd a-thunk it?"Aside from having time and an incredible town and space to write in, there were the people - from Brook Stephenson co-founder of The Rhode Island Writers Colony, his brother John (the other founder) who is like a walking Encyclopedia with the soul of a pirate, his partner Marie whose hospitality is much appreciated, to Jason Reynolds writer extraordinaire, Malundo Jones and Charles Vincent Burwell of the Clever Agency.  The host of characters include many citizens of Warren, Rhode Island who went out of their way to make us feel welcome. There was Angelo who frequented the local coffee shop everyday, to staff of the Coffee Depot. There was also the day Brook and I went over to Alisson Newsome's studio, here are some of the images from that adventure:
by allison newsome

an artist's space

nature meets nurture in the work of allison new some

another allison new some piece in john's garden

love this pic of brook, john & jason 

ms. rene gearing up for the drive from upstate to rhode island
photo courtesy rene

me & angelo with the feather from "noodles"
photo courtesy of brook stephenson 

a window at john's

lots a trees to check out..

brook's cooking is what's up! photo courtesy brook stephenson

reading & knitting! Jason Reynolds & lab photo courtesy of brook stephenson

the rhode island writers' colony abode

the clever agency w molaundo jones, charles vincent burwell and
brook stephenson, founder of rhode island writers colony

the welcome table
Brook, Charles and I are slowly getting ready to make our way back to the big apple.

the lab

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