
Showing posts from October, 2014

Why I Quit Teaching (Or 9 reasons I feel I sucked at teaching)

happier daze...hanging at the park with my girl student crew 9 Reasons Why I Feel I sucked as a Teacher When I told my former boss that I wanted to quit teaching, he ripped up my letter of resignation in my face, walked over to the trashcan and dumped it. “You can’t be serious. You’re a great teacher, Les, the kids love you; you can’t leave them! What’s wrong with you?” It was the second time I had tried to quit that year. It was my fourth year of teaching and although I had considered quitting before, it seemed then whenever this feeling returned it came back stronger, more intense. I have always wanted to teach. I was fortunate enough to have had some amazing teachers in my life who have had a major influence in contributing to how I think and what I think about. From my 4 th grade teacher Mrs. Stein who introduced me to the many cultures of Native America to Mr. Coffey my high school math teacher who I would get in free at Mars Club in the meatpacking district o...

Fundraising for the Nganjoni Health Clinie- a WEECE project, in Tanzania

"Let's build this ward," said Adriane to Vivian. "Yes, let’s do it," she answered. "I want to help," said Shani. And that's how a simple idea turned into a fundraising event for WEECE organization.  And so Shani Moore of UNDF, Adriane Hill from New York Theological Seminary  and Viviane Cintron who works at UNFPA began the worthy endeavor of raising money to build a limited-stay ward for the  Nganjoni Health Clinic -- a WEECE project -- in Tanzania.  (further information below) Please come and help  turn this idea into a reality.  When asked what inspired this event, Vivian Cintron answered:   I love what I do but it is very removed from the everyday lives of women. Working with Valeria and the women of WEECE have empowered me and made me realize that one person CAN make a difference. When you hear the stories of everyday accomplishments from these women — in very tough situations— you cannot help believe that you, too, can dare to d...

On a new license to live...

my evening with Marie D. Brown at Cave Canum to see Terrance Hayes  is definitely one of my recent highlights.  I settled in into my Norwegian flight from JFK, New York to Copenhagen, Denmark. It was the perfect flight: 9:30pm and arriving the following day, at 11:30 am. Kai had agreed to meet me at the airport and I was ready to get home and take care of business.  I managed to get all my things in my suitcase, and I risked taking a beautiful vintage, semi-acoustics guitar that Marie had bequeathed me. I crossed my fingers and hoped that I would be allowed on the flight with it as carry on luggage. I know it was a risk, but I really wanted to have it with me, feeling that it's presence would help with my inspiration for my show. It's a Vox Challenger, cherry sunburst in color. When I saw it for the first time, I thought it would be a great guitar to incorporate into my show. I've been playing with the guitar a few years now; with the intention of using it in so...

Kwami Liv , Lost in the Girl


Nubian Lady- Yusef Lateef
