
Showing posts from May, 2015

Justice for Sheku "Shek" Bayoh - Scotland

Kadija George of Sable Lit Magazine  recently posted this. I was lucky enough to meet Kadija George years back when I visited London. I am so sorry to hear the news that she describes below. Please read, sign and share. This is a global problem.   My cousin Sheku Bayoh was detained in police custody in Kircaldy, near Edinburgh, Scotland on Sunday 3 May. He did not leave police custody alive. Following is a statement from the Bayoh family: "Our son and brother Sheku Ahmed Tejan Bayoh  was only 31 years old when he was suddenly and cruelly taken from us. His mother and three sisters are devastated and still in shock. He has also left 2 small sons aged 3 and 3 months and a loving partner. Their loss along with ours is great. ‘Shek’ as he was fondly known was a warm friendly and gentle person.  Just a few hours earlier he was at his niece’s [niece’s]birthday party and sending his big sister a text message to wish her Happy Birthday. She didn’t know that wou...

A Simpler Life

fruit bowl in the kitchen I was re-visiting previous posts and realized that I hadn't completely updated you with the state of affairs on Mars. Well, I mentioned in a previous post that I was moving out of my apartment on Amager and about to move in with my friend from Brooklyn, Paulette. Well, I ended up moving to Vesterbro- as also mentioned before. Vesterbro is the neighborhood I first moved to when I moved to Copenhagen, so coming back here is a trip. Walking down its streets takes me back to the days when I Kai was just a baby. I began my journey into motherhood here - and with Kai growing up so fast, the memories are quite welcome. Vesterbro is an interesting neighborhood to say the least. The other morning I awoke the the sound of a john arguing with a prostitute about money. Sigh. Last night as I walked down Istedgade in the rain, I passed a group of men in front of the fixing room (for the heroin users) playing music and dancing. I also passed a young lady standi...

The Erotic as Power


Viking Throwdown

Last Friday my son and I attended a "Nonfirmation" i.e. a Confirmation that was not tied to any religion. Confirmations tend to be huge here - but for many families who do not abide by the church - the "Nonfirmation" was invented so that there is a reason for loved ones to convene for the celebration of the child who is on her way to adulthood. Sune and Sofie (the parents) moved to the town of Køge from Copenhagen some years ago and every time I visit I often wonder at the natural beauty that surrounds me. Denmark's countryside is amazing- especially when the sun decides to shine. As mentioned in my earlier post, the fields are ablaze with yellow. I have known this family since first moving to Copenhagen 16 years ago - and Nikola - for whom the "confirmation" was thrown was born just a few months before my own son. Everyone had to drink Viking beer!  The family!  Marcus  In typical Danish style there were songs, toasts (skÃ¥l...


I enjoy seasons. I enjoy being able to notice the subtle shifts in the air, changing of foliage and light that accompanies the changing of the seasons. All around Denmark right now, outside the cities, are the most spectacular fields of yellow. The landscape has now fully awakened, seemingly overnight. There is no slow changing of the seasons here - or perhaps it is the fact that it is so slow that it feels as if the change is not happening at all, when all of a sudden - viola - a new season is upon us. In Denmark in the summertime we get an almost midnight sun, meaning that on the longest day of the year we have sunlight well after 11pm. And although I like living in a temperate country, I don't enjoy not getting sunlight in the winter here so in the summer, I along with everyone else do our best to be outside to soak up the rays. This Monday I had the opportunity to leave Copenhagen and visit one of Denmark's 443 islands - Langeland, which means if translated literal...

The Jungle Brothers in Copenhagen

Pardis & Mike Gee 

Spring Sprang

Last night was a blast. I got blanked by my son to go to the Jungle Brothers concert because he "had an exam" -- that was my Absolutely Fabulous moment with him. Of course I swelled with pride when he told me that - my baby is responsible and mature! Not that I think having a few hours of pure New York City hip hop would have hurt anybody - but I get it! And these things have reasons for happening, of course. Ms. Paulette hanging out with her former schoolmates there are two members of the jungle brothers in this picture. can you find them?  trippy picture...indeed. Like when my friend Paulette jumps in and saves the day and says, "I know those guys. I went to high school with them!" And then I called my old friend V - whom I haven't seen in ages. And we danced. And had fun. And it was a great concert! And then they pulled Paulette up on stage- and we ended up chilling.  The Jungle Brothers were all there, looking good, gave a GREAT concer...