A Simpler Life

fruit bowl in the kitchen

I was re-visiting previous posts and realized that I hadn't completely updated you with the state of affairs on Mars. Well, I mentioned in a previous post that I was moving out of my apartment on Amager and about to move in with my friend from Brooklyn, Paulette. Well, I ended up moving to Vesterbro- as also mentioned before.
Vesterbro is the neighborhood I first moved to when I moved to Copenhagen, so coming back here is a trip. Walking down its streets takes me back to the days when I Kai was just a baby. I began my journey into motherhood here - and with Kai growing up so fast, the memories are quite welcome.
Vesterbro is an interesting neighborhood to say the least. The other morning I awoke the the sound of a john arguing with a prostitute about money. Sigh. Last night as I walked down Istedgade in the rain, I passed a group of men in front of the fixing room (for the heroin users) playing music and dancing. I also passed a young lady standing on a corner, huddling under an umbrella. This is the prostitute capital of Denmark.
I moved in with my friend Bente. I first met Bente in 1998 when she came to stay with Flux in Williamsburgh. When we met, I had already met Kai's father and I was early into my pregnancy. After moving to Denmark it was great to already have a couple of friends here from beforehand.
Bente is a photographer and originally from Norway. She has a beautiful apartment and we're both getting along quite well. It's really nice being around another mother and Kai loves it here.
As for the status of my getting rid of my stuff - that has actually gone quite well. My belongings - which once filled an entire apartment have been whittled down to fit in my room. I have managed to let go of a few of my books (round of applause), lots of clothes, furniture and other items such as jewelry. My plan is to keep it simple.

Here's my latest piece from the Murmur http://murmur.dk/articles/denmark-s-real-national-treasures.290.html

the lab

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