
Showing posts from November, 2015

Freedom of Movement

Yesterday I attended an event hosted by Freedom of Movements which describes itself and the event as: "Freedom of Movements is an emerging political group based in Copenhagen composed of immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, as well as non­migrants. We are a diverse group of people. Different legal statuses, political rights, economic and social situations, as well as cultural backgrounds. Our efforts go to identifying what are the most crucial problems different groups of migrants face and creating collective strategies to respond to these problems together." The event consisted of workshops facilitated by asylum seekers, refugees as well as activists involved in "minority" struggles here in Denmark, among them the African Empowerment Center. It was the first time I came face to face with asylum seekers and refugees in Denmark, and was able to hear their stories up close and personal.  As you may already know Europe is facing a crisis. The crisis is a result o...

The Blackgirl's Guide to Tough Living in Copenhagen


Bandit Queen Press Lives

You can't keep a good woman down! Bandit Queen Press is back, in time for your holiday shopping! Why not get the poetry lover in your life an original, handmade & numbered collection of poetry from Copenhagen, Denmark by Brooklyn writer Lesley-Ann Brown? The Organist's Daughter : A collection of poetry about growing up in Brooklyn to Trinidadian parents. Bureau 39: A zine to end all zines. Contains the work of Mark Valley, Elisa Donovan, Suheir Hammed, Tony Medina, Willie Perdomo among others Blackgirl on Mars: Notes on a Life in Copenhagen : A poetic reflection of living in a foreign country & becoming a mother. Each book is UNIQUE, numbered & handmade. email me at for more details! farvel, the lab

Because the Spirits -- Heritage is Commoning - KONTO - Astrid Noacks Atelier

Kendrick Lamar & Tupac interview on a scroll.  Time travels of ancestor rappers, scrolls and revolution. Copenhagen University's Prof. of American Literature at Astrid Noack's Studio  ”Vi elsker juletræer, dannelsesrejser, Eckersberg og Guldalderen, men vi lider samtidigt af et kolonialt hukommelsestab. Mit værk sætter fokus pÃ¥ og fremhæver de dybe kulturelle relationer vores nation har til det afrikanske og det amerikanske kontinent, som fodrer denne økonomiske opblomstringsperiode. Det ligger i vores nationale identitets DNA – selvom vi helst ikke vil erkende det. At det sÃ¥gar er at finde i noget af det aller dyrebareste vi har, H.C. Andersens skrifter, er et godt eksempel pÃ¥ den hvidvaskning af historien, som kendetegner vores kultur. ” --Jeannette Ehlers "We love Christmas trees, culture travel, Eckersberg and the Golden age, but we suffer simultaneously of a colonial amnesia. My work puts focus on and emphasizes the deep cultura...