Because the Spirits -- Heritage is Commoning - KONTO - Astrid Noacks Atelier
Kendrick Lamar & Tupac interview on a scroll. |
Time travels of ancestor rappers, scrolls and revolution. |
Copenhagen University's Prof. of American Literature at Astrid Noack's Studio |
”Vi elsker juletræer, dannelsesrejser, Eckersberg og Guldalderen, men vi lider samtidigt af et kolonialt hukommelsestab. Mit værk sætter fokus pÃ¥ og fremhæver de dybe kulturelle relationer vores nation har til det afrikanske og det amerikanske kontinent, som fodrer denne økonomiske opblomstringsperiode. Det ligger i vores nationale identitets DNA – selvom vi helst ikke vil erkende det. At det sÃ¥gar er at finde i noget af det aller dyrebareste vi har, H.C. Andersens skrifter, er et godt eksempel pÃ¥ den hvidvaskning af historien, som kendetegner vores kultur.” --Jeannette Ehlers
"We love Christmas trees, culture travel, Eckersberg and the Golden age, but we suffer simultaneously of a colonial amnesia. My work puts focus on and emphasizes the deep cultural relations our nation has to the African and the North American continent, which fed the economic boom. It is in our national identity's DNA - although we rather not acknowledge it. It is even found in some of our most precious things we have; H.C. Andersen's writing, is a good example of the whitewashing of history, which signifies our culture." --Jeannette Ehlers (my translation)
Today I visited Danish Trinidadian artist Jeannette Ehlers at her most recent exhibition "Because the Spirits: A Conversation" at the Astrid Noack's Studio. Ehlers' recent work is a re-mixing between time and space where the likes of H.C. Andersen, Kendrick Lamar, Martin Luther King Jr. and Tupac meet. I got to catch up with Ehlers today and talk about art, race and various goings-on around the world which you'll get to see through DK.DOX. Stay tuned!