Poem #30 - The Memory of Mother
The Memory of Mother By Lesley-Ann Brown I don ’ t know Why you Don’t tell Me- From The past In which I see. The silence Is dark And Haunts me, ‘Wakes me up, no longer dream. I don’t know Why you Won’t stay. I don’t know Why you Won’t say. To get the gods That keep You quiet, Keep us Locked up, In this Silence. I don’t know why you won’t tell me From ethereal space I come, Through the ages Divided, Through time since begun. But still again we stand in hope- Looking for what can come to be. Hoping that in the distant future, We will clearly see: But what happens to a people Who turn the other cheek Who learns to love Her enemy Who learns to dream asleep? I Who grow Gods From the roots Of Their hair Who fly flags Of different colors In the air I cut the cain Drank the rum In the rain, wash Their clothes In the river ...