What Am I Doing??!?

Life here is finally getting better. I have now been in Copenhagen for 7 years! I have finally learned the language (I really resisted it, but trust me, it helps!), and I finally got a job that I really like.

My grandmother, whom I love to bits, just came to visit me from Trinidad! She turned 82 here, and I threw her a little party. We listened to calypso and she told me she likes me better when I have had a few to drink...

The darkness is settling in on Copenhagen. The winters here are bare and dark. The trees disappear and nature looks like a hollowed out corpse. It really does. That's why I think of it as a training ground for the soul. If you can survive a winter here...then you ain't as bad as you thought.

Lesley Ann


Unknown said…
Lesley Ann, yr blog is bloggging beautifully. i like the tone. deep into the self one finds the elf of destiny. i hold vs naipaul in high esteem. cheers - lennox

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