This Week In Copenhagen

What a week to live in Copenhagen! Whew! First thing Monday morning is the news that some vandals besmirched one of Denmark's most beloved national symbols. Visited by over 1 million tourists a year, some genius ( & I am sincere about that label) dressed her up in a burka! I suppose this was a precursor to how the week would end: With the undressing of one of Denmark's other most beloved national symbols: Bjarne Riis, who admitted to doping. But wait, some very interesting things happen in between:

But, before I go there, I must mention that this is not the first time the mermaid has been tinkered with. Once she was painted red, another time even beheaded! Yikes! Who would do such a thing? She 's been victim to other revisions as well, and I must say, it certainly gets a LOT of attention.

She even got international attention!Denmark really got it good in this year's Amnesty International Report.
Denmark was accused of, among other things, of beefing it's racial intolerance up, not offering sufficient protection to foreign women who leave abusive Danish husbands and for a rise in police brutality. Way to go Denmark! Soon you'll be just like the U.S.!
Meanwhile Copenhagen's Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard has decided that enough is enough! Denmark's, and so by extension Copenhagen's image has gotten a little too sullied (and she's not just talking about the Little Mermaid here)! The foreign press has had a field day running this country through the pig shit it annually produces (Denmark & pigs guys, I tell ya...there is a connection, and I am not being mean here!) & has decided that Copenhagen must don a corset & tighten up its image. She continues, "we have a need to send the signal to show people in other countries that we want them..." Which countries? In all fairness, I think Ritt is pretty cool and she should actually call me for some advice, but anyway, let's not be naive here. The ironic thing is, I've been to 3 very different kinds of Danish Schools and the stories were always the same: Highly qualified foreigners who had the wrong accents.
But Ritt is probably just thinking what every other Københavnsk person is thinking (someone from Copenhagen). What she really means is that every one from Jutland should move out of the Nation's capital (Jutland is the part of Denmark that is attached to the Mainland and Københavners are always complaining that they are invading Copenhagen, raising the rents, and ruining the country! Isn't this fun guys? See, all white people don't get along... )What she really means to say is, go home! To all the people from Jutland!
One person who will remain unnamed, even suggested that Denmark sell Jutland to the Germans. This person maintains that a Københavner would never have published the Muhammed Drawings. Well, I don't know about all that, does get you thinking!
What a week in Denmark!
Anyway, on a sadder note, Bjarne Riis, Denmark's beloved cyclist who in 1996 won the Tour de France has admitted after 11 years, of doping. I don't really know how to broach this subject to Kai, who wants to be the first Black in the Tour de France. Has there ever been a Black in the Tour de France? Let me know, cause I sure as hell couldn't find any evidence of that. What's up with that anyway? Any fool in New York can tell you--Brothers know how to ride bikes. But I'm not mad at this Riis guy can sometimes be like a dead dog sweltering under the hot sun. Rotten and about to explode. If anything I can use it as a teaching tool to explain to Kai, doing drugs are BAAAAD! Yeah right.
So anyway, thanks for joining me for a for me? It's good. I don't feel like I'm dying for a change and the sun? I keep seeing it every morning as I roll outta bed and it makes me think--wow, how beautiful is life anyway?
Catch you later,
the lab

P.S. Oh, and I didn't mean to leave you hanging from the last post! The second thing I like about Copenhagen is the high taxes! And I mean it. I'm happy to pay high taxes if it means free healthcare and education. Denmark rocks!


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