Why I'm Digging Copenhagen (Vote for your Period)
But before I tell you why, I need to address one thing sisters, and that is the prospect of the fact that headlining the news today, the Federal Disasters Association (FDA) is about to approve a drug that will take our menstrual cycles away from us. Don't buy into this! Look, I know a lot of us think it's a pain in the ass to get our period once a month, that we've heard a million times how in so many other societies menstruating womyn are ostracized blah blah blah but I want to ask you to ask yourself one thing: How much are your feelings toward your period influenced by others? By your momma telling you not to talk about it, that you're a womyn now, so don't go messing with those guyz? That you can't trust something that bleeds and never dies! Ay yi yi! I mean, how much negativity about our menstruation have we been forced to accept, like Mary accepting to carry baby Jesus (hello, God told her to, he didn't ask!) Awright now...in actual fact, womyn were never ostracized when menstruating. There are some societies, believe it or not, who honor the fact that as pro-creators, we must REST and REJUVENATE so we were given a SPACE to lay, shed a layer, and CONTEMPLATE. If you get cramps, trust me, it's just your body not kowtowing to modern day plantations. I say go ahead and call your boss and tell him/her that you not coming in today cuz your body says NO--of course you don't need to be so obvious with your RESISTANCE but you KNOW. (it's called passive resistance for those of you who wondered how we got so far...) But ok, now on to more enlightened stuff (oh, boy do i mean that in every sense of the word) why is Lesley-Ann Brown digging Cph?
Well, first of all, it's ten o'clock at night and I just biked and there is still light outside! Ok, so the winters are crap...but the almost Midnight Sun sure does make up for it! Am I supposed to come up with a #2 reason...damn! I'll get back to you tomorrow on that one.
Goodness people, enjoy life, isn't it the most bittersweet thing you just ever got your hands on?
the lab
Well, first of all, it's ten o'clock at night and I just biked and there is still light outside! Ok, so the winters are crap...but the almost Midnight Sun sure does make up for it! Am I supposed to come up with a #2 reason...damn! I'll get back to you tomorrow on that one.
Goodness people, enjoy life, isn't it the most bittersweet thing you just ever got your hands on?
the lab