Today Beauty

I gathered my books about me as I gathered my Self and I wondered, not for the first time, do I reveal too much? And I think about what a friend of mine wrote in her manuscript which I am reading now, that to publish, is of course, is to make public and writing, writing for me is a process, a process to bring order to life that sometimes can be mess.
Reading about the Yoruba now. Made dahl for dinner and wrote a letter (it's coming Sarah, I promise!)Yesterday on my way home from dinner, I sat next to a Nigerian. We said our hellos and finally he asked me, "Are you married sister?" Yes, I answered, to which he responded, just before exiting the train, "I would have made you my wife!" And today, I board a bus from Hellerup, and the bus driver, a Dane, he smiles at me and I think, boy is he handsome and in the end I hold these two experiences up because when I'm in the right mood, beauty (and humor) is indeed all around me.