This Week
This week has been about putting into action all the BRIGHT ideas I get about life--like embracing my shadow (the part of me that tugs and tugs to revert to old behavior I thought I had rid myself of!) rather than judging myself for having VERY human emotions about life. It's funny how one's emotions colors everything around. I mean, nothing in my life is any different from when I see it through rose-tinted glasses, but when my mind fills up it bubbles over sometimes. Which is why it's good to have someone in your life (thank you Karina!) who not only understands what you're going through, but reminds you of how universal the phenomenon is.
I'm off to Lisbon on Monday. Will spend a few hours in Amsterdam and then off to Lisbon till Friday! Leave all this behind, get some space from Copenhagen, work and most importantly, myself. But watch out! Wherever you go--there you are!
Saw John tonight. John is this New Yorker who has been here a bit longer than I have. He's also from Brooklyn and although I haven't seen him in years, I really felt as though we reconnected tonight. We hung out and he played Al B. Sure! First we met at this old school Danish bar, called a Bodega (not like Bodegas back in New York!). It's more like an old school bar where all the old folks and locals hang out. Lately, it's the only place I can go when I feel like drinking wine and smoking cigarettes. I really love the new anti-smoking laws here, but every now and again, I need to indulge myself in a bad habit. It's in my blood, I swear. It's like I have to do something bad once in a while otherwise...
Anyways, John and I reconnected. It was wonderful to hang out with someone with whom you have the same cultural connections and you don't have to explain yourself. I loved his apartment--right around the corner from mine and completely bachelor. He's so vain--his clothes are like all vintage and very London/Paris/East Village chic. He's got his beautiful chiseled face--think Prince half Irish half Arabic. We hung out at this bodega and this drunk older guy named Robert thought we were an item. He kept on telling us that I was the most beautiful woman in the bar (thank God for dim lighting)and telling us we should continue to Love each other cause we were so beautiful together. All the old fogies couldn't believe that we could speak Danish and they got a big kick out of hearing us speak Danish. They played Patsy, you know, walking after midnight Patsy, and I swear, we might have well been in some East Village dive back in the 90s minus the old Danes. I quite prefer these bodegas to the trendier bars and what not. You know, real people, real Danes... No one trying to be smart, just themselves--fallible and complete.
I'm off to Lisbon on Monday. Will spend a few hours in Amsterdam and then off to Lisbon till Friday! Leave all this behind, get some space from Copenhagen, work and most importantly, myself. But watch out! Wherever you go--there you are!
Saw John tonight. John is this New Yorker who has been here a bit longer than I have. He's also from Brooklyn and although I haven't seen him in years, I really felt as though we reconnected tonight. We hung out and he played Al B. Sure! First we met at this old school Danish bar, called a Bodega (not like Bodegas back in New York!). It's more like an old school bar where all the old folks and locals hang out. Lately, it's the only place I can go when I feel like drinking wine and smoking cigarettes. I really love the new anti-smoking laws here, but every now and again, I need to indulge myself in a bad habit. It's in my blood, I swear. It's like I have to do something bad once in a while otherwise...
Anyways, John and I reconnected. It was wonderful to hang out with someone with whom you have the same cultural connections and you don't have to explain yourself. I loved his apartment--right around the corner from mine and completely bachelor. He's so vain--his clothes are like all vintage and very London/Paris/East Village chic. He's got his beautiful chiseled face--think Prince half Irish half Arabic. We hung out at this bodega and this drunk older guy named Robert thought we were an item. He kept on telling us that I was the most beautiful woman in the bar (thank God for dim lighting)and telling us we should continue to Love each other cause we were so beautiful together. All the old fogies couldn't believe that we could speak Danish and they got a big kick out of hearing us speak Danish. They played Patsy, you know, walking after midnight Patsy, and I swear, we might have well been in some East Village dive back in the 90s minus the old Danes. I quite prefer these bodegas to the trendier bars and what not. You know, real people, real Danes... No one trying to be smart, just themselves--fallible and complete.